Pharmacology Flashcards
- Treats hypercholesterolemia by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase (inhibition of cholesterol synthesis)
- Leads to increased LDL receptor expression to increase LDL uptake
- Treats and prevents BOTH influenza A and B
- Impairs virion release by inhibiting NeurAminidase
- Prevents viral penetration of mucous secretions in respiratory epithelium
-Inhibits both organification of iodine (via thyroid peroxidase inhibition) AND peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
(Methimazole: only does inhibition of iodine organification)
Structurally similar to folate → irreversibly inhibits DHFR –> polyglutamated form (cannot move out of cell)
Ergot alkaloid that can provoke coronary vasospasm
Ca2+ channel blocker used 2nd line as angina therapy, not used as an anti-hyprtensive
Ceftriaxone resistance:
by either beta-lactamases or altered PBP structure
Niacin’s Mechanism and Side Effects
- Inhibits hepatic VLDL production and triglycerides
- increases HDL
- Acute gout flare is a possible side effect
- Hyperuricemia, hyperglycemia, and flushing
- Flushing can be reduced with Aspirin pretreatment
Nitrate Tolerance
Nitrates develop tolerance quickly so much have a nitrate free period every day
Mu Receptors
- opioids bind
- increase potassium efflux → hyperpolarization
Tx of Gouty Arthritis
NSAID, colchicine, and then glucocorticoids
- Uricosuric agents or Xanthine Oxidase inhibitors contraindicated in acute attacks (can worsen it); but they are good for prophylaxis
Antiarrhythmics Na+ Channel Binding Strength
1C > 1A > 1B
- Use dependence more prominent in 1C ( higher rates of depolarization → increased channel blockade because less time in resting state)
Reverse Use Dependence
Class III: K+ Channel Blockers
Minimal alveolar concentration (MAC):
% of anesthetic in inspired gas mixture that renders half of patients unresponsive to painful stimuli
- Lower the MAC, the higher the potency
- If anesthetics have a high blood/gas coefficient (meaning they dissolve more in blood), they will have a slower onset of action
Asthma with aspergillus; high eosinophilia
Cholinesterase inhibitor (Ach builds up); similar to edrophonium - Both peripherally and centrally
Cholinergic Agonist
Phentolamine and Phenoxybenzamine
a-adrenergic antagonist
- Phentolamine has a half life of 20 min (irreversible)
- Phenoxybenzamine has a half life of 24 hours and is often used to treat pheochromocytoma (reversible)
a-adrenergic agonist
Delayed onset interstitial pneumonitis + a lot of other side effects
Inhibits progesterone receptors (induce abortion)
- Used with Misoprostol: PGE1 analog
Inhibition of COX pathways → promotes formation of leukotrienes that cause bronchoconstriction
Alpha 1, 2, beta 1 ,2 m 1-3. D1-2, H1-2, Vasopressin 1-2
- Q: phospholipase C → DAG, IP3
- S: stimulate Adenylate cyclase → cAMP increase
- I: inhibit Adenylate cyclase → cAMP decrease
Red Man Syndrome
- Rapid infusion of vanco → red man syndrome due to widespread release of histamine (NOT IgE mediated allergic reaction)
- Can be prevented with a slower rate of infusion
Michaelis Menten
Y intercept - Vmax (up means decrease)
- Vmax is directly proportional to concentration
X intercept – Km (closer to Y line → Km increases → lesser affinity)
- In platelets prevents thromboxane formation (preventing platelet aggregation)
- Also does gastric protection
(Problem with NSAIDs) - Selective COX 2 inhibitors (celecoxib) are good for pain (no effect on gastric mucosa)
Tx for MRSA
Ceftaroline (5)
- Vancomycin
- Daptomycin
- Linezolid
- Tigecycline
Pseudomonas Tx:
- Ceftazidime (3) and Cefepime (4)
- Ticarcillin or piperacillin (w/ clavulanate, tazobactam or sulbactam)
Cephalosporin Generations:
1: faz, phal
2: fox, fac, fur
3: tri, trax, tax
4: cefepime
5: ceftaroline
B-lactam that can be used in PCN Allergies
Gram (-) Rod Tx:
aztreonam, cephalosporins (3), aminoglycosides
Gm (+):
Always give carbapenems:
cilastatin (it inhibits renal tubular secretion of the antibiotic)
eg. similar to giving penicillin w/ probenecid
30s, misread mRNA (inhibiting initiation complex formation)
eg. gentamicin, amikacin, tobramicin
30s, block tRNA binding site
- For intracellular (rickettsia, mycoplasma, borrelia, chlamydia) (eg. Doxycycline)
eg. tetracyline, doxycycline, minocycline - binds inorganic compounds (in bone and teeth) causing teeth discoloration and retarded bone formation
50s, blocks 70s formation
50s, blocks peptidyl transferase
50S, blocks translocation (binds the 23S part of 50s)
Atypical pneumonia, STDs, Gm + cocci
eg. clarithromycin, erythromycin, azithromycin
50S, blocks translocation (binds the 23S part of 50S)
- Anaerobes, GAS
- Causes C. Diff
(floxacins) inhibit DNA gyrase
- Atypical pneumonias, Gm – rods
Makes free radicals to break DNA
- D. diff, gardnerella, giardia, anaerobes
Decreased mycolic acid synthesis (must be activated with catalase peroxidase)
- 2 Mechanism of resistance:
decreased expression of catalase peroxidase or modification of protein target binding site
- may cause pyridoxine deficiency; acetylated for excretion (slow acetylators have increased risk of toxicity)
- Also is directly hepatotoxic in 10-20%
Inhibits DNA dep RNA pol
- Prophylaxis for meningococcal and Hib
Inhibits mycobacterial cell wall synthesis by blocking arabinosyl transferase (inhibits carbohydrate polymerization
- central scotomas
Amphotericin B and Nystatin
Binds ergosterol and makes pores
Nystatin: topical because too toxic
Binds microtubules and inhibits mitosis (antifungal)
Also induces P450
Inhibits fungal squalene epoxidase
Inhibits cell wall synthesis (by inhibits b-glucan)
Inhaled gas anesthetics
- Poorly Soluble gas: saturates quickly, so partial pressure starts to rise, rapid equilibration with
- Highly soluble gas: saturates more slowly so need more to saturate, slower rise in partial pressure so lower onset and equilibration
Lipophilic Drugs
- Highly lipophilic drugs are preferentially metabolized by liver (poorly eliminated by kidney)
PDE3 inhibitor → increases cardiac contractility
Opioids: Tolerance Does Not Develop for _______
Miosis and constipation
Nitroglycerin has greatest effect on:
Large veins
Statin Metabolism
Metabolized by P450 (except pravastatin), inhibitors will increase concentration → more rhabdomyolysis → acute renal failure
CYP450 Inhibitors
Cimetidine Ciprofloxacin Erythromycin Azoles Grapefruit juice Isoniazid Ritonavir
Something with no effect, will increase the effect of something else
When combined effect of drugs together is equal to the sum of their individual effects
Combined effect exceed the effect of the sum of both effects
Bile Acid Binding Resins (eg. Cholestyramine) Side Effect
- Cholesterol Gallstones (prevent absorption, so liver makes more cholesterol)
- Mild increase in triglycerides
Tx to Decrease Triglycerides
Fibrates (1st line) and Niacin
a2 agonist
- decreases peripheral vascular resistance
MTX vs 5FU
- MTX prevents reduction of TH4 while 5FU binds TH4 and thymidylate synthase in a stable intermediate form which decreases the amount of thymidylate synthase available
- 5FU cannot be overcome with addition of folinic acid or leucovorin
Beta Blockers Effect on AV Conduction
Slow AV conduction which prolongs the PR interval
Niacin Induced Flushing Due to:
Vancomycin Induced Flushing Due to:
Histamine (can be limited with slow infusion and anti-histamine treatmeant ahead of time)
Weight Loss Drugs
- dexfenfuramine, phenteramine, fenfluramine
- can cause cor pulmonale
Tx for Methanol or Antifreeze (ethylene glycol) Poisoning
Fomepizole (alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor)
Tx for Arsenic, Lead, Mercury & Gold Poisoning
- EDTA can also be used for lead
- Tetracycline antibiotic that can be used to treat SIADH
Conivaptan or Tolvaptan
ADH Receptor Antagonists used to treat SIADH
Integrase inhibitor that prevents HIV from integrating into chromosome of Host so host cell machinery cannot be used to make HIV mRNA
Entacapone and Tolcapone
- COMT inhibitor that increases bioavailability of levodopa by decreasing peripheral methylation
- Tolcapone inhibits BOTH peripheral and central methylation
SGTP2 inhibitors (eg. Canaglifozin)
- Lose glucose in urine due to osmotic diuresis
- Need to check renal status before using
- Can cause yeast infection
DPP4 inhibitors
prevent degradation of GLP to prolong its action in increasing insulin
GLP1 Analogs
Exenatide or Liraglutide
Inhibits testosterone synthesis pathways
Adrenergic, Muscarinic, Dopaminergic, Histamine, Vasopressin
S: increase cAMP
I: decrease cAMP
CYP450 Inducers
Phenytoin, Phenobarbital, Rifampin, Carbamazepine, Griseofulvin
DRESS syndrome
Adverse drug reaction w/ eosinophilia
Low Volume of Distribution If:
Trapped in plasma
- Due to high MW, high plasma protein binding, hydrophilicity and high charge
High Volume of Distribution If:
Lipophilic, unbound, low charge, low MW can cross membranes more easily and access intracellular compartment → very large Vd
NNRTI: DEN (efavirenz)
Protease inhibitors: -navir
Integrase inhibitors: -tegra-
NRTI: everything else
Inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase
Trimethoprim, methotrexate, and pyrimethamine
For RSV prevention: Ab to F (fusion) protein
NRTI used to treat HIV: causes bone marrow suppression especially with gancyclovir
- Competitively binds reverse transcriptase and is incorporated as thymidine analog and since it does not have a 3OH group, cannot make 3-5’ phosphodiester bond
Protease inhibitors: side effects
hyperglycemia, lipodystrophy, and p450 inhibition
Do not require phosphorylation
- MC ones include: Nevirapine, Efavirenz, and Delaviridine
TNF-a Inhibitors
may reactivate latent TB by decreasing macrophage function (maintain granulomas)
- Cord Factor (virulence) in Mycobacteria inhibits macrophage activation and TNFa release
TNF-a is the main mediator of:
- Paraneoplastic cachexia (wasting syndrome)
- Sepsis (also IL-6 and IL-1 are part of the response)
CD52 inhibitor used for CLL
EGFR antibody for colorectal and head/neck cancers
Ab to a4-integrin for MS and Crohns
- Risk of PML from JC virus
Azathioprine/6-MP degraded by:
xanthine oxidase (which is inhibited by allopurinol) and TPMT in liver
ACE Inhibitors
Angioedema side effect (c1 inhibitor deficiency)
- ACE made in lung endothelium
- Don’t use in patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis → ARF (acute renal failure) because they are dependent on ACE for renal blood flow (can no longer constrict efferent arteriole to maintain GFR)
IFNa- hepC
IFNy- for CGD
HepC and RSV
- Inhibits RNA poly and IMP dehydrogenase → interferes with duplication of viral genome
Must be activated by catalase peroxidase enzyme
- Inhibits mycolic acid synthesis (TB no longer is acid fast)
- Metabolized by acetylation → excreted in urine
works best in an acidic environment to kill intracellular organisms like TB
Ondansetron and Metoclopramide work on:
floor of 4th ventricle
Ondensetron is a 5HT3 antagonist
Metoclopramide is a dopamine receptor antagonist (don’t use in parkinson’s patients)
Short acting anesthetic barbiturate
- After equilibrating in brain (takes about 1 min) it redistributes quickly to skeletal muscle and fat (resulting in rapid recovery from anesthesia)
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
- Can be used to treat narrow-angle glaucoma
- Works in proximal tubule of nephron
- Can cause metabolic acidosis by blocking NaHCO3 reabsorption
Succinylcholine (Neuromuscular Blockade)
May cause hyperkalemia (peak T waves)
- Burn pts more at risk because of leaking/damaged cells
- Strong Ach receptor agonist –> sustained depolarization (prevents muscle contraction)
- Antidote only for Phase II: ACHE inhibitors (eg. neostigmine)
- May cause malignant hyperthermia
Beta Blockers w/ Diabetics and Asthma/COPD
Diabetics w/ HTN → it can mask hypoglycemia
- Use an ACE inhibitor instead (prevents diabetic nephropathy)
- Can also exacerbate asthma and COPD
Essential Tremor Tx
Non-selective Beta Blocker or Primidone
Benadryl and Dramamine
- Diphenhydramine = Benadryl
- Dimenhydrinate = Dramamine
2nd Generation (histamine) H1-receptor blockers
Less side effects because does not cross BBB
- Loratidine, desloratidine, fexofenadine, cetirizine
Tx for UTI in Children
amoxicillin (w/ or w/out clavulanate), cefixime, ceftriaxone, cephalexin, nitrofurantoin, or sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim
_________ are less effective when taken with Antacids
Fluoroquinolones (DNA gyrase inhibitors)
PCN allergy cross-allergenicity w/:
Chloramphenicol: Side effect
Can cause pancytopenia
- Aw/ increased CPK and incidence of myopathy
- For gram + only
- Makes pores
t1/2 = (.7*Vd)/Cl
Treat Carcinoid Syndrome w/
Drug Efficacy
maximum effect of a drug (regardless of dose)
Competitive Antagonist
Changes ED50 (effective dose/potency): shift right - Need a higher dose to overcome antagonist