Repro buzzwords Flashcards
USS “Snowstorm” appearance
Molar pregnancy
“frogspawn”/”grape-like” when expelled
Hydatidiform mole
Anteprtum haemorrhage in patient with Succenturiate Lobe or Velamentous insertion
Vasa Praevia
What muscle be excluded before vaginal exam with maternal blood + no fetal distress?
Placenta praevia
Fetal blood + sudden fetal distress
Vasa previa (need to treat with c section)
“doughy abdomen”
Placenta accreta
What is placenta accreta?
Placental insertion into myometrium post endoetrial ablation
Treatment of placenta accreta
C section + hysterectomy
Always give contraception
Fetal distress and loss of engagement, previous c-section or surgery
Uterine rupture
PPH followed by pituitary failure
Sheehan’s syndrome
Strawberry cervix
Trichomonas vaginalis
Management of trichomonas vaginali
Clue cells, High vaginal pH (>4.5)
Prolapse + back pain
Uterine prolapse
Large tense uterus (“woody abdomen”) bleeding & pain
Placental abruption
High FSH + LH = climateric symptoms
Premature ovarian failure