Antenatal care Flashcards
When is the booking visit?
10-12 weeks after LMP
What examinations should be performed at the booking visit?
Height Weight BP CVS Abdo exam
Which viruses should be screened for at the booking visit?
Hep B & C
What blood tests should be done at the booking visit?
ABO & Rhesus
What assessments should be performed at follow up visits?
BP & urinalysis Symphisis-fundal height Lie & presentation Engagement of presenting part Foetal heart auscultation
What is the triple test and when is it done?
Tests aFP, hCG & unconjugated estriol (sometimes inhibin A is added)
Done at 16 week visit
Detects chromosomal abnormalities & neural tube defects
How often do pregnant women have to visit the antenatal clinic?
Booking visit = 10-12 weeks
16 weeks then every 4 weeks till 28 weeks
30 weeks then every 2 weeks till 36 weeks
37 weeks then every week till delivery
When is Anti-D given if the patient is Rhesus negative?
28 weeks & 34 weeks
How is gestational age calculated from an ultrasound from 10 weeks - 13 weeks 6 days?
crown-rump measurement
Head circumference if crown-rump measurement is > 84mm
If the placenta is found over the cervical os at he 18-20 week US what should be offered?
Another US scan at 32 weeks
By how many weeks if delivery has not happened when should induction be offered?
41 weeks
What is a robertsonian translocation?
When 2 acrocentric chromosomes are stuck end to end
How are samples taken fro genetic analysis from 11.5-16 weeks?
Chorionic villus biopsy
How are samples taken for genetic analysis from 16+ weeks?
What is the method of analysis used for firt line investigation looking for Downs syndrome?
aCGH (detects chromosome imbalance)
How is Down syndrome screened for from 10-14 weeks?
Combined test = US for nuchal translucency & blood test for bHCG levels & PAPP-A
What results of the combined test would indicated Down Syndrome?
PAPP-A = low bHCG = raised