Representations of Gender Flashcards
gender - under-representation of women in media industry
women rarely have positions of power/influence in media management
gender - glass ceiling
invisible barriers to progress in their careers
fixed ar junior professional level (gathering news)
gender - percentage of male senior professional roles
define what news should be
gender - percentage of male/female journalists?
77% - male
23% - women
gender - male gaze
men look at women as sexual objects
female sexuality common theme in advertising to provide erotic pleasure for men
gender - under-representation of women in media context
less likely to be subject of news stories
appear as ordinary people when interviewed, men as experts
4x more likely to be identified by their family status
1/2 of news stories reinforce gender stereotypes
gender - patriarchal ideology
media is patriarchal and spreads patriarchal ideology
women invisible, under-represented, presented in limited range of stereotyped roles/identities
symbolically annihilated
gender - social construction of gender identities
constructed by the media to produce hegemonic dominant stereotypes
hegemonic masculinity & femininity
magazines separates men & women interests to reflect different hegemonic identities
gender - beauty myth
women assessed by their appearance and expected to conform to male conceptions of female beauty
the ideal body shape is more like a barbie doll than real women’s body (symbolically annihilated)
gender - female representations
women shown indoors in private sphere of the home than outdoors in the public world
presented as emotional/unpredictable
gender - female stereotyped roles
WAG sex object supermom angel ball breaker victim
gender - cult of femininity
teenage girls magazines prepare girls for feminised adult roles
getting partner, good wife, keep family happy, good cook, what to wear
socialises young girls into roles of femininity
gender - male representations
men appear in wide range of roles
in public sphere with high status
stereotypes by hegemonic masculine identity: independent, tough, risk-tasking, sport, DIY, transport
gender - male narrators
male voices used in voice-overs to reinforce men as authority figures and experts
gender - male stereotypes
joker jock strong silent type big shot action hero buffoon
gender - postmodern society
representations more fluid/flexible due to changes in society
gender - growing social expectations
men and women should be treated equally
reflected in media by presenting wide range o gender identities and new gender choices
gender - changing representations of females
women position in society is changing, emphasised in the media with growing diversity of imagery
new form of feminism present women as powerful tough girls, no longer lady like taking on roles that used to be for men (Katniss Everdeen)
still underlying conventional femininity as these women are always attractive/glamorous (Angelina Jolie)
gender - pluralists view on changing representations of women
magazines now cater for working women as they demand more from the media
reduces gender stereotypes due to drive for advertisers
gender - changing representations of males
wider range of representations of masculinity
magazines encourage men to understand women
new male identities more caring, emotional, in touch with feminine side
male bodies transformed into sex objects in advertising which is reflected in their growing concern of their appearance
gender - pluralists explanation for gender stereotyping
stereotypes occur to satisfy what media audiences and organisations want
gender - liberal feminists explanation for gender stereotyping
once women gain power and equal opportunities it will break the glass ceiling
currently male-dominated media organisation encourage male view of the world
gender - marxists & neo-marxists explanation for gender stereotyping
media attract advertisers that need stereotypes to promote sales of their products gender stereotyping linked to social class inequality as working-class women can't afford the hegemonic femininity identity
gender - cyndi tebbel
featured size-16 model on magazine cover well-received by readers major advertiser (cosmetics company) withdrew its advertising
gender - radical feminists explanation for gender stereotyping
representations promote patriarchy and patriarchal ideology
men keep women in a narrow range of stereotyped roles, subordinate to men, conform to beauty myth and satisfy male gaze
discourages women from making the most of the opportunities available to them