Renal: structural, congenital and neoplasms Flashcards
severity of UTO basd on
- location
- completeness
- uni or bilateral uretuers
- duration
- nature/cause
main differences b/w upper UTO and lower
UPPER -bladder NOT distended on US -(+) Hematuria \+flank pain \+N/v CAUSES -stones, mass
-bladder distended on US
-urgency, frequencyk, hesitency, nocturia
CAUSES: BPH, prostate CA, urethral stricture,
complications of upper UTO
- hydroureter: dlation of ureters
- hydronephrosis: dilatino of renal pelvis and calyces
- uretro-hydronephrosis: dilation of ureters and renal pelvis and calyces
- tubulointerstitial fibrosis: deposition of excess amt of extracellular matrix
- leads to excess cell destruction and death of neprhons
-obstruction of urine flow from the kidneys–>distention and dilation of the pyelocaliceal system
INTRINSIC: stones, clot, congenital, CA
Iatrogenic causes
Lower UTO
bladder, urethra, urinary sprinchter and prostate
***neurogenic bladder
Neurogenic Bladder
- define
- causes
- CM
dysfunction 2nd to neurologic disorders which interrupt innervation
- UMN–>overactive bladder function
- LMN–>underactive bladder function
- prostate enlargement
- urethral stricture
- severe pelvic organ prolapse
- low bladder wall compliance
- frequent DAYTIME voiding >every 2 hours while awake
- Nocturia
- urgency + hesitency
- dysuria
- poor force of stream, intermittent urinary stream
- feelings of incomplete bladder emptying, despite micturation
define Asymptomatic microhematuria
> 3 RBCs/HPF without a known benign cause
MCC of hematuria in PT <40
- inflammatin
- infection
- prostate, blader
mc causes of hematuria in pt >40
- kidney or urinary tract CA
what is MCC of microscopic hematuria in men
systemic s/s of fever, chills, n/v and UTI s/s
- RF
- CM
- PE
- DX–labs, UA, CBC
- complications
- TX —who gets admitted
- who gets a CT scan —finding?
- DM
- hx of recurrent UTIs or kidney stons
- pregnancy
- congenital urinary tract malformations
- upper track s/s: fever, chills, back or flank pain, N/V (not common but suggestive)
- lower s/s: dysuria, urgency and frequency
*+ CVA tenderness
DX *UA-->pyuria >10 WBC + leuk esterase + nitrites + hematuria + cloudy color + bacteriuria *****WBC CASTS= pathognmonic *incr PH with Proteus sp. CBC: leukocytosis with left shift DDX=urine culture
- **papillary necrosis
- *absces
- septic shock
- renal failure
ADMIT= unstable, elderly, pregnant, complicated med hx or not able to tolerate PO
*OUTPT: PO abx 5-7 days–> FLUOROS first line–>CIPRO 500 mg BID 5-7 days or LEVO 750 mg qd 5-7
*PREG: IV Ceftriaxone first line
*INPT: third or fourth gen cephalopsorin, fluoro, aminoglycocidses or extended spectrum PCN
- **CT scan for PT not improving after 72 hours after tx
- *findings= perinephritic fat stranding
Nephrolithiasis -mcc and others rf -cm -dx--ua, imagignt est of choic? -tx
OTHERS: dietary*, systemic dz (hyperparathyroidims), drugs
RF M>W hx of stones fam hx increased oxalate absoprtion-->GI bypass, Crohn's dz -acidic urine hypercaluricemia -decr fluid intake
- RENAL COLIC: sudden, constant upper lateral back or flan pain over the costrovertebral angle—RAD to groin or anteriorly (testicle in men.. labia to women)
- N
- V
- frequency, hesitency, hematuria
+CVA tenderness
fever chills
UA= microscopic or gross H/U
TOC= noncontast abd and pelvic CT
if under 5mm—–80% spontaneous passage
-iv fluids
-tamsulosin—alpha blocker can help with passage
which stone is radio-opaquw
ca-oxalate and ca-phosphate
which stone is radiolucent
uric acid