GI: match buzzword to disease Flashcards
night blindness
bitot’s spot
Vit A Def
ataxia, global confusion, opthalmoplegia
Wernicke encephalopathy triad with dry beri beri
irreversible memory loss, confabulation, psychosis
korsakoff dementia
vit B1 thiamine deficiency
Oral = magenta colored tongue, glossitis, angular cheilitis, stomatitis, lesions of mouth, pharyngitis Ocular = photophobia, corneal lesions Genital = scrotal dermatitis
B2 riboflavin def
Pellagra— bit B3 def aka niacin
PT undergoing isonizaid for TB
Vit B6 Pyridoxine def
long-standing vegan PT
vit b12 or cobalamin def
PT has pernicious anemia
vit b12 or cobalamin def
PT has CD–what vit def?
vit b12 or cobalamin def
PT on metformin and/or PPI-=what vit def?
vit b12 or cobalamin def
symmetric paresthesia
vit b12 or cobalamin def
Macrocytic anemia (iincreased MCV)
vit b12 or cobalamin def
hematologic s/s
Vit C def
bowing of long bones in an adult
bowing of femur and tibia bones in child
urine has mutsy/mousy odor
pruritic, papulovesicular rash most common on extensor surfaces, neck, trunk & scalp.
lactose intol
type 1 hypersenstivity rxn
peanut/tree nut allg
elevated transaminases w/o specific history
tylenol OD
deep and rapid breathing, tachycardia, tinnitus
Salicylates OD
labs show
patient with an anion gap metabolic acidosis
Salicylate OD
burning, gnawing epigastric pain +/- N/V
dyspepsia classically relieved with food
Duodenal PUD
dyspepsia classically worse with food
Gastric PUD
Nocturnal dyspepsia
Duodenal PUD
CXR: air under the diaphragm
perforated PUD
severe, recurrent, multiple or refractory ulcers & diarrhea
PT has MEN 1
24-hour urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid/5-HIAA excretion
Carcinoid Tumor
Leather bottle
linitis plastica–gastric cancer
projectile, non-bilious vomiting
pyloric stenosis
PE: olive shaped, non-tender, mobile hard mass in abdomen
pyloric stenosis
Upper GI series show: String sign
pyloric stenosis
fat, fair, female, forty, fertile
cholelethiasis + cholecystitis
biliary colic
episodic, abrupt RUQ or epigastric pain after eating
*biliary colic
Continuous RUQ or epigastric pain
acute chole
+murphy sign
acute chole
+Boas sign
Acute chole
pain moves to the right shoulder
acute chole (+Boas sign)
LABS: elevated AST and ALT and incr Alk Phosph
PT: jaundice and prolonged biliary colic
RUQ+ jaundice + fever
Charcot triad
RUQ+ jaundice + fever + hypotension/shock + AMS
Reynolds pentad
LABS: positive antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA)s
Primary biliary cholangitis/cirrhosis
LABS: P-ANCA positive
Primary Sclerosing cholangitis
weakness killian triangle
zenkers div
zenkers diver
manometry shows non-peristaltic esoph contractions
distal/diffuse esophageal spasm
liquid and solid dysphagia–worsens when liquid is hot/cold
distal/diffuse esophageal spasm
barium esophagram shows corkscrew apperance
diffuse esophageal spasm
manometry shows increased during peristalsis
hypercontractile nutcracker esophagus
barium esophagram shows birds beak
Noncircumferential thin membrane in the upper/mid esophagus
esoph web
PT has iron def anemia and dysphagia
esoph web
TRIAD=pummer Vinson syndrome
Circumferential diaphragm of tissue that protrudes into the esophageal lumen
Shatzki ring
esoph ring
Longitudinal superficial/mucosal tears
mallory weiss syndrome
Severe Retrosternal chest pain worse with deep breathing & swallowing,
Boerhaave syndrome
+crepitus on chest palpation
Boerhaave syndrome
+crunching sound on asuculation
+hamman’s sign aka Boerhaave syndrome
+ Hamman’s sign
Boerhaave syndrome
CXR: left-sided hydropneumotharax and pneumomediastinum
Borehaave syndrome
odynophagia + dysphagia + retrosternal CP
esophagitis –infectious
Atopic patient, dyspahgia to solids, odynophagia, reflux
Eosinophilic esoph