Renal: AKI and CKD Flashcards
Definitions for AKI (3)
- abrupt onset within 48 hours
- incr in creatinine by >0.3mg/dl OR >50% from baseline within 48 horus –>ASSOC WITH INCR MORTALITY
- oliguria <0.5mg/kg/hr for >6 hours
incidence of AKI in hosp pt
ICU= 50%
who is at risk for AKI
- elderly >75 YO
- atheroscleotic dz—PVD
- heart and liver failure
- DM or other metabolic dz
- drug
- hemodynamic complications–hypotension, sepsis
PU is an indicator of?
-assc with?
- inflammation!!!!
A/W–>LV dysfunction, MI, stroke
Pre-Renal AKI
- characterized by?
- etiologies
- DX—-findings in lab work, UA, urine sed
- tx
charac by DECR RENAL PERFUSION WITH NEPHRONS STILL STRUCTURALLY INTACT–caused by ineffective intra-arterial volume sensed by baroreceptors
- decrease intravasulcar volume
- decr CO
- decr effective ciruclating volume
- impaired autoregulation
- *hypovolemia–>GI losses (V/D), diuretic tx, blood loss, third spacing vie burns
- *hypotension–>CHF, MI, tampdonade
- *aff arteriole vasoconstriciton–NSAIDS, iv contrast
- *eff arteirole constriction–ACEI, ARB
- ascites
CM and history findings -vomiting -diarrhea -diuretic use -hemorrhage -burns -dehydration -cardiac dz hx PE *wt loss *orthostatis hypotension *tachycardia *poor skin turgor *dilated neck veins *S3 *rales *periph edema *ascites *caput medussa *spider angiomas
- evidence of water and electrolyte conservation
1. INCR BUN:Cr >20:1 ratio both will be incresing
2. fractional excretion of NA–>FENA–> <1% and urine sodium <20 **
3. oliguria
4. Concentrated urine: - HIGH urine SG >1.020
- increased urine osmolarity >500 aka increased
- remove any offenidng meds
- CHF–> opitmize CO, give nitrates, ACEI, diuretics, inotropic agents
- Sepsis–> NaCL NSS, pressors
- Cirrhosis–>lasix and spironolactone, paracentesis can also be useful
**also focus on volume repletion and renal perfusion
general s/s of AKI
hyperK N/V HTN Pulm edema Ascites Asterixis Encephaloapthy periph edema
how much dopamine causes increased renal flow
low doses
0.5-2 mcg/kg/min
-clinical features
- h/o hemorrhage, severe hypotension
- nephrotoxic drugs—NSAIDs, ABx, chemo
- exposure to contrast dye
- prolonged prerenal azotemia
- hemolysis—-fever, transfusion rxn
- ingestions—–ETHYLENE GYCOL, ODs
list the major types/causes of intrinsic AKI
- Acute interstitial nephritis
- glomerulonpehritis
- microvascular causes: HUS and TTP
Acute interstitial Nephritis causes
* ABX: PCNS, cephalosporins, cipro, sulfas, antivirals
* GI–>COX-2 inhibs, 5-Aminosalicylates
* allopurinol
* chinese herbs
* heavy metals - Systemic diseases
* Mult myeloma
* leukemia
* lymphoma - Autoimmune dz
* sarcoidosis
* sjorgrens - Tubulointersitital nephritis/uveitis
- infections
acute intersitial nephritis
- cm
- etiology—MC?
- timing of s/s
- labs
- tx
MC etiology=drug hypersensitivity (70%)
- inections
- idiopathic
- autoimmune
CM =variable +/- arthralgias
s/s usually 7-10 days after drug ingestion
- Fever
- Serum Eosinohphilia
- maculopapular rash
- **rarely seen together tho
- non-nephrotic PU
- WBC casts are pathognomonic
- urine eosinophils on Wright’s or Hansel’s stain
- remove offending agent
- most recover kidney function within 1 year
- cause
- labs
- tx
reduced activitty of Von Willebrand factor—cleased protease on ADAMTS13
- *thrombocytopenias
- small vessel thrombi—-lots of platelts
- microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
- very elevated LDH
- incr bili
- negative coombs
- DIC in severe
TX=plasma, steroids, Ritixumab
Contrast Induced Nephropathy -define rf -prevention -what happens if pt has a gfr <30
*****0.5mg/dl rise or 25% increase of Creatinine 48hrs AFTER contrast given
- renal insuff GFR >50
- DM
- urgent
- intra-aortic balloon pump
- large volumes of dye
- age >80
- dehydration
- low-osmolality media
- N-acetylcysteine
- mesure CR 48 hrs after dye given
- consider mri wtihout gadolinum
**in patients with renal dz (GFR <30)—association with NEPHROGENIC FIBROSIS—which is irreversible
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis
- what causes it
- patho
- areas it causes
- non-reversible
- pt with gfr <30
PATHO: fibrosis of fascia forming coalescnece of erythematous plaques that form a “peau d’orange” pattern
affected areas=lungs, pleural cavity, diaph, heart, dura mater, muscle
Renal Atheroembolic Dz
-what can cause this
Cardiac cath—-atheromatous debris and emboliation of cholesterol–can trael to retinal, cerebral, skin, renal (ARF), or the gut
**Cr wont improve with IV hydration
***dx of exclusion– must do renal biopsy