Neuro Seizures Flashcards
define epilepsy
at least two unprovoked seizures more than 24HRs apart
define seizure
paroxysmal event due to abnormal synchronous charge of CNS neruons
how does a seizure present?
sudden, involuntary movement OR sudden loss of consciousness OR BOTH!
two types of focal/partial seizures
*what differentiates them
- simple partial
- complex partial
*whether PT has impaired consciousness or not
NOT total LOC—bc that is generalized seizure
impaired awareness usually assoc with which general class of seiures?
- tonic-clonic
- tonic
- clonic
abnormal discharge from ONE discrete section of one hemisphere?
focal or partial seizures
simultaneous discharge of both hemispheres
can focal seizures be just motor?
no, can be motor or non-motor
*dep which lobe is affected
non-motor: sensory things
can a focal seizure evolve to become a generalized seizure?
what is the MC ype of seizure in adults with epilepsy?
focal seizures with impaired awareness—complex partial
What clinical characteristics defines seizures as generalized or partial?
Generalized seizures are assoc with COMPLETE loss of consciousness
Partial is preserve wakefulness
MC lobe focal seizure arise from
muscular rigidity
rhythmic jerking
MC type of seizure in elderly?
partial (focal) seizures
Todd’s paralysis
after having a simple partial/focal seizure.. the post-itctal phase PT may develop neurologic deficits that are focal…. such as hemiparalysis lasting minutes—hours
*resolves in 24 hours
some typical CM for focal seizure in general
focal sensory, motor OR autonomic s/s: dep on lobe affected
Motor: clonic movements or tonic movements, Jacksonion march
Sensory: paraesthesias, numbness, pain, heat, cold, sensation of movement, olfactory, flashing lights (photopsia)
Autonomic: abdominal (pain, N/V/, hunger), cardiovasc (ST), BP changes, bronchoconstriction
Psycologic: fear, dejavu, hallucinations,
Automatisms: lip smacking, facial grimacing, chewing, manual picking, patting, coordinated movements, or repeating words/phrases—–may then accompany complex partial seizure
*aruas can precede seizure
Jacksonian march
motor aspect of partial seizure.. starts in one area (focal) and then spread to other parts of affected limb or body
- what is it
- seen with what seizure
seen with partial/focal seizures (MC complex partial)
-repetitive behaviors.. ex lip smacking
What seizure is similar in nature to absence seizure in terms of s/s?
complex partial
esp with the blank stare or loss of awareness
how to differentiate b/w absence and complex partial seizure?
with complex partial—pt can have postictal state where that doesnt happen with absence!
is there an aura preceeding a focal/partial seizure?
*aura can be similar to actual seizure itself
V I T A M I N S \+ G
tell us causes of seizures
Vascular–stroke, bleed, AVM
Infection–meningitis, encephlaitis, abscess
Trauma–esp penetrating
Autoimmune–CNS vasculitis
Metabolic–hypoglycemia***, hypoNA/CL/MG, hypoxia, drugs OD/withdrawl
Idiopathic–2/3 of new onset seizures!!!
G—geneic and developmental
MCC for 2/3 of new onset seizure
common drug that can decrease seizure threshold?
for any seizure, what lab studies do we want to order
- oxygen sat
- glucose, cbc, metabolic panel
- pregnancy
- Lactate level—elevated 2 hours of tonic-clonic seizure
- toxins in blood and urine
- genetic testing (more so outpatient)