ID: fungal infection Flashcards
are infected persons with inhaled fungal dz contagious to other people?
- geographic location
- CM
- tx
southwestern US
- Valley fever
- immunocomp can disseminate to bones and meninges
tx: Amphotericin B
- -geographic location
- CM
- tx
Ohio and Mississippi river valley
Cavitary lung lesions, granulomas in liver and spleen
tx: PO itraconazole
- geographic location
- CM
- tx
Central and southeastern US
Ulcerated lesions of the skin
TX: PO itraconazole
Histoplasma capsulatum
-what is the typical lab finding
cave disease
spelunkers dz
***no direct contact with the bat themselves (rabies) but just the cave— bat feces
Lab would show: Yeast commonly seen with monocytes and macrophages in significant numbers
- lab finding?
- can lead to
- diagnosis fidings
encapsulated yeast like fungus
- mucoid apperance due to capsule
- india ink test– black background with clear halos around organism
opportunisitc— **meningitis, pneumonia, septicemia
list the opportunisitc mycoses
- cryptococcus: meningitis***, pneumonia, septicemia
- Pneumocystis: PCP pneumonia
- candida
- aspergillus
- CM
- diagnosis
healthy person= asymptomatic
immunocomp= PCP pneumonia (p. jirovecii)
- Biopsy and aspirates of lung
- –>foamy soap bubble or honeycomb in biopsy
- –>stains using giemsa and Grocott’s methenamine silver (GMS)
- UV light: blue-white color when stained and viewed under UV light
PCP can occur in HIV PT when?
CD4 < 200
disseminated infections candida albicans can cause
right sided endocarditis–esp in IVDU
bloodstream infections
what is more drug resistant: candida albicans or candida glabrata
candidad infection does waht to the PH of vagina
increases it– more alkaline
**fungi like alkaline envi
prolonged infection of the skin, oral and genital mucosa and nails that occurs in PT with deficient T-cell immunity
chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC)
diagnosis for candida
KOH smear— budding yeast and pseudohyphae
tx for candida–DOC?
- oral thrush?
- vaginitis
- chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
- oral thrush— nystatin swish and swallow
- vaginitis– azole drugs– po fluconazole or topical clotrimazole or minoconazole
- CMC: fluconazole or itraconazole
- disseminated candidiasis: fluconazole or capsofungin