Renal 3- Glomerular Filtration, Renal blood flow, and their control Flashcards
what is GFR (number)
125 ml/min or 180 L/day
entire plasma volume is filtered every ____
24 minutes
how does GFR occur
via bulk flow
what is GFR selective for
cells, proteins, Ca2+, fatty acids and other protein bound substances
what is filtration fraction
what does filtration fraction average
20% of renal plasma flow
what does the renal corpuscle contain
-bowmans capsule -parietal and visceral layers
-glomerular capillaries - glomerulus
- bowmans space
where is protein free fluid filtered into in glomerular filtration
filtered out of glomerulus into bowmans space
where does protein free fluid flow into
proximal tubule
what is blood in glomerular capillaries separated from bowmans space by
a filtration barrier
what are the 3 layers of the glomerulus
- capillary endothelium: fenestrated
- basal lamina: basement membrane
- podocytes: visceral layer of bowmans capsule
what are podocytes and what do they do
- foot processes that cover outside of basal lamina
- creates filtration slits
what are mesangial cells and where are they found
- modified smooth muscle cells
- surround glomerular capillary loops
what do mesiangial cells do
- modify size of filtration slits and alter rate of filtrate production
- not a part of filtration barrier
what do substances have to be small enough to fit through to be filtered
filtration pores
is protein lost in excretion
what are the determinants of the ability of a solute to penetrate the glomerular membrane
-molecular size (small molecules filter better than large
- ionic charge (cations filter better than anions)
- proteins are both large and negatively charged and do not filter well
in minimal change nephropathy ____
-loss of negative charge on GBM
- proteins filtered through GBM
- proteinuria
what is the formula for GFR involving starlings forces
GFR = Kf x NFP
what is capillary filtration coefficient (Kf)
product of the permeability and surface area of the capillaries
what is NFP
balance of hydrostatic and colloid osmotic forces acting across the capillary membrane
what starlings forces would cause GFR to be high
high hydrostatic pressure and high Kf
what is NFP (number)
10mmHg, 125 ml/min or 180 L/day
describe the glomerular capillary filtration coefficient Kf
-400x higher than any other capillary bed
- normally not highly variable
- alterations in Kf not used to regulate GFR
how can diseases lower Kf
- thickened basement membrane: hypertension, DM
- decreased capillary surface area: glomerulonephritis
what are the two hydrostatic pressures that regulate GFR
- glomerular
-bowmans capsule
what is the primary control point for GFR
glomerular hydrostatic pressure
which hydrostatic pressure is a physiological controller of GFR: glomerular or bowmans
what are the factors that influence glomerular hydrostatic pressure (Pg)
-arterial pressure (effect is buffered by autoregulation)
- afferent arteriolar resistance
-efferent arteriolar resistance
what diseases can affect GFR via PB (hydrostatic pressure of Bowmans capsule)
-tubular obstruction (stones, tubular necrosis)
-urinary tract obstruction (prostate hypertrophy/cancer)
what does glomerular capillary colloid osmotic pressure increase along
length of glomerular capillary
-affected by filtration fraction
what does glomerular capillary colloid osmotic pressure oppose
hydrostatic pressure
what happens to GFR along the length of the capillary
-factors that affect PiG