Religious changes under the rule of Somerset Flashcards
When was the removal of Henrician constraints on Protestantism?
What did Nicholas Ridley do in February 1547?
Denounced images of saints and the use of holy water. He was supported by people in government and protestant activists in London. This led to iconoclasm in London.
Royal visitation
Commissioners were sent to all bishoprics to examine the state of the clergy and the doctrine of practices within the Church.
What was issued to every Church in July 1547 and why?
Book of Homilies and Paraphrases.
This was designed to more sermons into a more Protestant direction.
Who was objected and imprisoned in July 1547?
Gardiner and Bonner (Bishop of London).
What orders were given by the King in regards to royal injunctions?
All clergy to preach in English, have an English bible and Protestant literature in every church;
Superstitious images to be removed;
forbidding the burning of lights;
destruction of images and stained glass windows; abolition of all processions.
Why did the Council become concerned about rebellion in September 1547?
Due to the destructive nature of the removal of images.
What was the dissolution of Chantries a continuation of?
Henry VIIIs policy against the monasteries.
What did Haigh argue was the main reason for the act?
The Crown needed money to continue the war against Scotland, rather than a desire to destroy a communal aspect of Catholicism.
Orders were given to Bishops to draw up inventories of items for each parish church. Who implemented this and what did it cause?
Implimented by government ministers and in Cornwall the way it was instigated by William Body led to the Western Rebellion in 1549.
What happened to the Act of Six Articles (1539) and what did this mean for the Church?
It was repealed in December 1547 and this left the Church without an official doctrine.
What happened to the Treason Act and what did this remove and allow people to do?
Repealed in December 1547. This removed the old heresy, treason, censorship and proclamation laws. Allowed people to discuss religion freely without fear of imprisonment, print and publish freely.
What did radical Protestants use the repealing of the Treason act as an opportunity for?
Opportunity to spread their views and destroy Catholic images and altars. Repealing meant the Crown had stripped itself of the power to curb the actions of the more radical Protestants.
Why were a series of proclamations issued in 1548?
To dampen Protestand unrest.
What did the Privy council asset about transubstantiation?
That transubstantiation was technically still in force and Catholic rites should be adhered to
Why was the Government trying to achieve order and play for time?
To give Crammer the time to produce the new Prayer Book.
What did the council order in February 1548?
The destruction of images and of stained glass windows depicting saints and the removal of wall painting.
Why did the government feel that the proclamation stating only authorised clergy were allowed to preach, was necessary?
To stem the flood of the unauthorised Protestant preachers that had followed the repeal of the treason and heresy laws.
What proclamation was stated in September 1548 and how did the government feel about this?
Proclamation stating no preaching until new liturgy introduced and the government felt it was losing control.
What did the Act of Uniformity do in January 1549 and what did it no longer allow?
Made the Book of Common Prayer the official liturgy. It was effectively enforced and no longer allowed the Elevation of the Host
Was the First Prayer Book successful?
Crammer thought it would be politically acceptable but it satisfied neither Catholics - believed it was too Protestant or Protestants - believed it was too Catholic.