How Henry attempted to progress divorce from 1529-1532 Flashcards
What did Henry write in the 1520’s which shows a switch in his views?
‘In defence of the Seven Sacraments’ - Defended Pope’s authority
Who did Henry have common ground with to aid its progression?
Religious reformers ie. the Lollards
What did Anne Boleyn show Henry?
William Tyndale’s, ‘The Obedience of the Christian Man’, 1528 - Argued King’s had authority from God.
Whose death did Henry have to wait for to gain senior clergy support?
Archbishop Warham
What happened in 1529 in regards to parliament?
MP’s attacked abuses of the Church. Clerical legal privilege was removed and clergy would be tried the same way as everyone else.
What was the Church charged with in 1530?
Praemunire - withdrawn in 1531 with the payment of a fine.
What did MP’s ask Henry to take action against in 1532?
For Henry to take action against clerical abuse of legal power.
What did the Church have to surrender in 1532?
The right to enact new clerical laws agreed through the Submission of the Clergy.
What did the Act in Restraint of Annates prevent in 1532?
Banned the payment of most clerical taxes to Rome.
What did Henry enact in February 1533?
Act in Restraint of Appeals - prevented appeals to authority outside England on issues outlined ie. the divorce. No interference from foreign powers.
What stopped all payment to Rome in January 1534?
The Second Act in Restraint of Annates. Also gave King power to appoint Bishops.
What gave Henry control of convocation (church parliament) and when was this?
Act of the Submission of the Clergy in March 1534. Also prevented church making contact with Rome.
What did the Act of Succession ensure and when was this?
Ended Catherine’s claim as Henry’s wife + declared Mary illegitimate. Marriage to Anne declared legal . Treason to criticise the marriage.
Enacted in March 1534.
What did the Dispensations Act ensure and when was this?
Stopped all payments to Rome + gave Archbishop of Canterbury - Cranmer - the right to decide all legal cases departed from Church law.
When was the Act of Supremacy and what did this mean for Henry?
November 1534 - Made Henry head of the Church of England. Could make decisions about doctrine and belief.
What transferred ecclesiastical income from the Pope to the King?
The Act for the First Fruit and Tenth in December 1534.
What did the Treason Act outline and when?
A crime to criticise changes to church including royal supremacy and the marriage to Anne Boleyn.
December 1534.
What three things could have influenced these reforms?
1/ Desire for a divorce
2/ Desire for power
3/ Desire for wealth