Religion Final Flashcards
the passion, death, resurrection, and ascension of jesus
paschal mystery
martyred for preaching heresy
st joan of arc
unity in christ of all the redeemed- those on earth and all those who have died
communion of saints
the holiest celebration of the church year
easter triduum
suffering, crucifixion and death of jesus
_______ begins on palm sunday
holy week
another name for the holy spirit
enabled the disciples to unite people of all backgrounds in belief of the risen lord
gift of tongues
who stood at the foot of the cross
the day the disciples received the holy spirit
jesus rose to a new life
what is the season of prayer and penance
who martyred for preaching the word of god
st paul mikki
mystery of god in three persons
where do we learn the plan for god’s church
in the gospels
thou shalt not have other gods before me
first commandment
what the followed of jesus will share for eternity
life everlasting
jesus returns to his father in heaven
who proclaims the message of salvation
the holy spirit
veni, sacte spiritus
come holy spirit
who betrayed jesus with a kiss
means lord, great salvation