regulation of arteriolar resistance Flashcards
what regulates arteriolar resistance?
extrinsic effects
local (intrinsic) effects
special areas
what controls TPR and therefore regulates MAP? (mean arterial pressure)
varying the radius of resistance vessels
why is controlling the radius of arterioles so important?
Arteriolar radius affects flow through individual vascular beds, and mean arterial pressure
You cannot affect one without the other
how do you achieve To keep the blood flow to each vascular bed sufficient, and keep mean arterial pressure in the right range
engage in some resistance juggling
how do you achieve resistance juggling?
This is achieved by two levels of control over the smooth muscle surrounding arterioles:
Intrinsic mechanisms - concerned with meeting the selfish needs of each individual tissue
Extrinsic mechanisms – concerned with ensuring that the total peripheral resistance of the whole body stays in the right ball park
how does sympathetic nerves have an impact on extrinsic control?
release norepinephrine
binds to 1-receptors
causes arteriolar constriction
therefore flow through that tissue, and tends to TPR
what hormone controls extrinsic control?
angiotensin II
atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriuretic peptide
where is Epinephrine released from?
released from adrenal medulla
what does epinephrine bind to?
to 1-receptors
what is the effect of epinephrine?
causes arteriolar constriction
therefore flow through that tissue, and tends to TPR
- but in some tissues, eg skeletal and cardiac
muscle, it also activates 2-receptors - causes arteriolar dilation
- therefore flow through that tissue, and tends to TPR
whats the effect of angiotesnin II
produced in response to low blood volume
causes arteriolar constriction
therefore TPR
whats the effect of vasopressin
released in response to low blood volume
causes arteriolar constriction
therefore TPR
whats the effect of Atrial natriuretic peptide & Brain natriuretic peptide
released in response to high blood volume
causes arteriolar dilation
therefore TPR
what are the intrinsic controls of regulating arterioles?
Active (metabolic) hyperaemia
Pressure (flow) autoregulation
Reactive hyperaemia
4. The injury response
what are the special areas that regulate arteriolar resistance?
Coronary circulation
Cerebral circulation
Pulmonary circulation
Renal circulation