Rcognizing Abuse Flashcards
Incidence of Filipino children experienced abuse at least once in their lifetime.
8 out of 10 (80%)
Incidence of children that experience physical violence, most of which are corporal punishment happening at home committed by parents and siblings
1 in 3 children
Incidence of children who experience psychological violence in the form of verbal abuse, threats, or neglect.
3 in 5
Involves training and helping them develop:
● Judgment
● A sense of boundaries
● Self-control and
● Self-sufficiency
● Positive social conduct
Results in:
● Relationships to break
● Humiliation
● Physical injury
● Serious impairment
Includes creating positive and supportive parent-child relationships, strengthening desired behaviors, and decreasing or eliminating undesired behaviors that leads to development of internal control.
What is a system of teaching or training children the proper way to behave, differentiate right from wrong, and how to make the right decisions?
Uses a negative stimulus to reduce undesired behaviors, such as verbal reprimands and corporal punishments (i.e., the application of physical pain) and relies on external control and consequences.
○ Entails the use of physical force intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort for discipline, correction and control, changing of behavior, or in the belief of educating/ bringing up the child.
○ This ranges from slapping the hand of a child due to an undesired behavior to actual child abuse such as hitting or scalding.
○ Many continue to use it as a discipline strategy because of religious and cultural beliefs.
Corporal Punishment
Alternatives to corporal punishment methods - better approach rather than hitting a child:
○ Distraction and redirection
○ Cooling-off period - fixing
○ Setting of rules and limits - appropriate to child’s age
and developmental level
○ Problem-solving
○ Withdrawal of privileges
● Usually guilty of physical abuse will tend to:
● Conceals the child’s injury
● Does not appear to be concerned about the child
■ They will try to justify their fault to the child
○ Describes the child as bad, different, or evil
○ Believes in severe discipline or inappropriate discipline
for child’s age and size
○ Have unrealistic expectations
■ Regarding development and emotional gratification (Example, they expect a 2 year old to eat cleanly on their own and will get angry if the child makes a mess)
■ Expects the child to feel emotionally void
Child sexual abuse is to engage a child in sexual activities that he or she:
○ Does not fully comprehend
○ Is unable to give informed consent (i.e. statutory rape)
○ Is not developmentally prepared for
○ Or else that violate the laws or social taboos of society
Sexual abuse may include but is not limited to:
○ Inappropriate exposure to adult sexuality such as
exhibitionism and showing of pornographic pictures
and videos.
○ Direct sexual contact or inducement or coercion of a child to engage in any unlawful sexual activity
○ Exploitative use of a child in prostitution or other unlawful sexual practices
○ Making a child available to others either directly or
indirectly for immoral and illegal acts, such as through pornography
It is frequently carried out with physical force but rather with manipulation (e.g psychological, emotional or material)
Sexual abuse
Usual perpetrators
○ Neighbors
■ Neighbors have always topped the list of reported perpetrators through years
○ Relatives
○ Boyfriends