Complementary And Alternative Medicine Flashcards
What is the act creating the PH Institute of Traditional and Alternative Healthcare (PITAHC) to accelerate dev and traditional and alt healthcare in PH?
RA 8423
What is the sum total of knowledge, skills and pracs of hc used in prevention, diag, elimination of physical or mental dis?
Traditional and Alternative medicine
What is the sum knowledge etc but NOT necessarily explicable in the context of modern, scientific and philosophical fw but is for the wellness of community based on heritage, cukture hx and consciousness?
Traditional med
What is the discipline of medical care advocating therapy w remedies that produce effects differing from those of the dse treated?
What is qlso called as allopathy, western med, orthodox med, or cosmopolitan medicine?
Non allopathic
Occasionally non-indigenous or imported healing mtds
Not handed down
Alternative Healthcare Modalities
What are the different herbs and respective uses for common illnesses in the community?
B- bawang: Allium Sativum (anti-hptn, anti-cholesterol)
A- ampalaya: Momordica Charantia (anti-DM)
B- bayabas: Psidium Guajava (antibacterial, washing woods, wound wash, for diarrhea)
Y- yerba buena: Mentha Cordifolia/Clinopodium douglasi (analgesic, rheumatoid arthritis, tootache)
P- pansit pansitan or Ulasimang bato: Peperomia pellucida: (dec uric acid, anti-gout)
L- vitex negundo (cough)
A- akapulko: Cassia Alata (anti-fungal)
N- niyog-noyogan: Quisqualis Indica (antihelmenthic)
T- tsaang gubat: Carmona Retusa (diarrhea, stomachache)
S- sambong: Blumea Balsamifera (anti-urolithiasis)
What are products withdrawn from the market by authorities? And why?
Ma huang - stroke
Aristolochia - nephrotoxic
What enhances the effect of Coumadin this increasing the risk of bleeding?
Gingko Biloba
What decreases the effect of Saquinavir
What is a complementary discipline wc involves the adm of ultra-dilute meds prepared acc to mtds specified in various homeopathic pharmacopoeias w the aim of stimulating a person’s own capacity to heal?
What is a form of tx in wc subs s/a minerals, plany extracts, chemicals, or dse-producing germs wc in sufficient doses?
What are the principles of homeopathy?
- Like cures like
- Minimal dose “potentiation”
- Single medicine
Mixtures for the cure of acute gastroenteritis, colds and flu includes?
Arsen iod Gelsemium Eupatorium Aconite (Arsen alb) Belladonna Chamomilla
What are used for teething?
Simple questions
Books of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
What is a negative state associated w cold, dark, stillness, and passiveness?
What is a positive state ass w heat, light, and vigor?
Yin deficient px may be:
Hot, feverish, restless and stressed out
Yang deficient px may feel:
Cold, pale, and lethargic
What are the principles of naturopathy?
- Body heals, maintains, restores itself
- ID dse and treat
- First do no harm (primum no nocere)
- Treat the whole person
- Physician as teacher (docere)
- Prevention is the best cure
● Indication is for cough, relief of asthma, and pharyngitis
● Recommended relief of rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils, and diarrhea
● Treatment of cough, colds, fever, and flu and other bronchopulmonary disorders
● Alleviates symptoms of Chickenpox
● Removal of worms and boils
Vitex negundo (Lagundi)
● Pain in different parts of the body as headache, stomachache
● Rheumatism, arthritis and headache
● Cough and cold
● Swollen gums and
● Menstrual and gas pain
● Nausea and fainting
● Insect bites and pruritus
● Used as an analgesic
Yerba buena (Mentha cordifelia)
● Anti-edema
● Diuretic
● Anti-urolithiasis (for kidney stones)
Sambong (Blumea balsamifera)
Tsaang gubat (Carmona retusa)
Niyug-niyugan (Quisquisalis indica L.)
● For washing woods ● For toothache
● For diarrhea
● or wound wash
Bayabas/guava (Psidium guajava)
● Anti-fungal: Tinea Flava, Ringworm, Athlete’s Foot, and Scabies
● Topical anti-fungal
Akapulko (Cassia alata)
● Lowers uric acid /hypouricemic (Rheumatism and Gout)
Ulasimang bato (Peperomia pellucida)
● Hypertension
● Toothache
● Lowers cholesterol levels
in the blood / hypocholesterolemia
Bawang (Allium sativum)
● Climbing vine with tendrils that grow up to 20 centimeters long and leaves are heart-shaped which are 5-10 centimeters in diameter
● Fruits have ribbed and wrinkled surface that are freshly green
● Lowers blood sugar levels
● Treat Diabetes Mellitus (Mild non-insulin dependent)
Bitter gourd, Ampalaya (Momordica charantia)
as the medicines became more dilute they became more potent therapeutically
A multidisciplinary approach to healthcare that recognises the body’s innate power to heal itself.
treatment of disease through the stimulation, enhancement and support of the inherent healing capacity of the person or natural healing process
Flow of the phases or cycle
○ Water generates wood by nourishing the trees
○ Wood generates fire when they are rubbed
together to generate fire
○ Fire generates earth when ashes fall to support
the soil
○ Earth generates metal or ore
○ Metal generates water when molten resembles
Include quality such as energy and spirit, and are known as the three treasures
○ They are also believed to be essential components of an individual’s life
● The other elements we have the blood (Xue), and body fluids (Jinye)
○ These two have essentially intangible properties
Commonly practiced yoga methods are
pranayama (controlled deep breathing)
asanas (physical postures)
dhyana (meditation)
which are mixed in varying proportions with differing philosophical ideas.
Most widely taught yoga