Microbiology Flashcards
Who first observed CELLS? And said that “all living things are composed of cells”
Robert Hooke (1665)
OO - hooke
LL - cells
Who first observed MICROORGANISMS? (animalcules)
Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1673)
Fermentation - Pasteur
When did Pasteur disprove spontaneous generation theory wherein life can arise from NON-living matter?
When was Koch’s postulate done?
Where is the DNA contained in a prokaryote?
Free in the cytoplasm bcs no nucleus
Ribosome svedberg of prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Prokaryotes: 70s
Eukaryotes: 80s
What are cylindrical bacteria which are convoluted in varying degrees?
Give 2 examples of diplococci
Neisseria gonorrheae
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Cocci in chains
Streptococcus pyogenes
Simple bacilli
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Actual spiral or helices
Spirillum minor
What is an example of gram staining mtd?
Hucker’s staining
Gram staining:
What are the
- Primary stain
- Mordant
- Decolorizer
- Counterstain
Primary stain: CV
Mordant: Iodine
Decolorizer: Acetone alcohol
Counterstain: Safranin
Acid fast staining
What are the
- Primary stain
- Mordant (fixes 1° stain)
- Decolorizer
- Counterstain
Primary stain: Carbolfuchsin (30s)
Mordant: Heat
Decolorizer: Acid alcohol
Counterstain: Methylene blue
Mechanisms of GS is related to:
1 Thickness of CW
2 Pore size
3 Permeability properties of the intact cell envelope
Gram’s Rule
All cocci are G+ except NVM
All bacilli are G- except MCS (sporeformers e.g bacillus)
Phenotypic basis classification
1 Environmental req (temp, O2/gas presence, pH lvls, ion/salt presence)
2 Nutritional req (utilize Ca, Nitrogen)
3 Resistance profiles (antibiotics, heavy metals, toxins)
4 Antigenic properties (immuno-sero: relatedness)
5 Subcellular properties (molec constituents that are typical of a particular taxon)
What is a flagella at both poles called?
Tuft of flagella at one pole like bundle in one side only, and sample of this is Salmonella typhi
What is the difference of capsule and slime layer (glycocalyx)?
Capsule: regular and gelatinous
Slime layer: less regular and more diffuse
What does the G+ have that the G- doesn’t?
Teichoic and Lipoteichoic acid - provides fxn rel to elasticity, porosity, tensile strength, and electrostatic properties of the envelope
What does the G- have that the G+ lacks?
Outer membrane
- Lipoprotein: stab other mem and anchors it to the peptido
- Phospholipid: prevent leak of periplasmic CHON and protects the cell from bile salts & hydrolytic enz
- LPS: endotoxin (fever, shock)
- Porin protein - molecule passage
Periplasmic space - degrades, detox
It serves as storage areas for nutrients and stain
1) Volutin - inorg phos –> ATP
2) Polysaccharide granules - glycogen & starch
3) Lipid incl
4) Sulfur granules
What microbe grows best at low temps? (-5 to 15°C)
What microbes grow best at 30-37°C?
What microbes grow best at 50-60°C?
Physical requirements for microbial growth
Osmotic pressure
Examples of obligate aerobes (need O2 to live)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Example of facultative anaerobe (fermentation or anaerobic respiration)
Obligate anaerobes
Aerotolerant anaerobes
Microaerophilic capnophilic
Altered AA seq –> nonfxnal
Not code –> early truncated
Nonsense mutation
Insertion snd deletions, not divisible by 3
Frameshift mutation
Enz destruction of drug, altered targets for the antibiotic, and decreased cellular uptake of drug
Resistance to beta lactams
Altered CW precursors that don’t bind to vancomycin
Resistance to glycopeptides