Rats Flashcards
Scientific name of the norway rat
Rattus norvegicus
scientific name of the black rat
Rattus rattus
Primary research use for: ACI rat
genitorurinary congenital issues
prostate adenocarcinoma
Primary research use for: biobreeding (BB/Wor) rat
diabetes mellitus type 1
Primary research use for: brown norway (BN) rat
myeloid leukemia
bladder carcinoma
Primary research use for: buffalo (BUF) rat
Primary research use for: Copenhagen (COP) rat
prostate adenocarcinoma
Primary research use for: F344 rat
Primary research use for: Lewis rat
autoimmune dz
Primary research use for: LOU/C rat
myeloma antibody production (IgG)
Primary research use for: SHR rat
Primary research use for: WF (Wistar-Furth) rat
Primary research use for: Zucker rat
Primary research use for: brattleboro rat
diabetes insipidus
Primary research use for: Gunn rat
jaundice, kernicterus
Primary research use for: nude rat
T cell deficiency
Primary research use for: Obese SHR rat
type 4 hyperlipoproteinemia (obesity + hypertension)
Space required by the guide for a rat <100g?
Space required by the guide for a rat <200g?
Space required by the guide for a rat <300g?
Space required by the guide for a rat <400g
Space required by the guide for a rat <500g
Space required by the guide for a rat >500g
> 70in2
Space required by the guide for a rat with her litter?
Cage height required by the guide for rats?
Stress and illness result in what symptom characterized by red pigment around the eyes?
How can porphyrin pigment be differentiated from blood?
Porphyrin fluoresces
Hearing range of rats?
250Hz- 80kHz
What limiting ridge separates the glandular and nonglandular portions of the stomach?
Margo plicatus
T/F: Rats have a gallbladder.
What gland is near the maxillary sinus and may regulate mucous viscosity in the nose?
Steno’s gland
Describe the female uterus in rats.
2distinct ossa uteri and cervices
What is characteristic of the cerebrum in rats and mice?
Lissencephalic (no sulci/gyri)
What sits behind the optic chiasm in the rat and is attached by an infundibular stalk to the brain?
pituitary hypophysis
T/F: Rats have a foramen of Magendie.
What is special about atrial blood supply in rats?
It is mostly extracoronary (unlike most mammals)
Most common circulating blood leukocyte in rats?
What type of diet formulation is accessible to the public?
open formula
What type of diet formulation is NOT accessible to the public?
closed formula
What is a certified diet?
Diet assayed to not exceed a max concentration of certain contaminants that may influence study results
What are the 4 pathways mediating calorie restriction?
(1) IGF-1/insulin signaling pathway
(2) sirtuin pathway
(3) AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway
(4) TOR (target of rapamycin) pathway
When does the vaginal plate open in rats?
When is puberty in the rat?
How long is the rat estrus cycle?
4 days
How long is rat gestation?
How much do rats eat/day?
5% of BW/day
How much do rats drink per day?
8-11% of BW/day
What are 2 ways to detect estrus in rats?
Vaginal cytology
Electrical impedence
When is the earliest GD to palpate rat fetuses transabdominally?
Chronic exposure to low light levels results in what peripubertal change/
Earlier vaginal opening, ovarian atrophy
What husbandry parameter may contribute to male infertility?
high ambient temperatures- irreversible
What is pregnancy wastage?
Fetal loss occuring during pregnancy
When do incisors erupt in rats?
When are pups fully haired?
When are rat pups first able to hear?
When do eyelids open in rats?
When is the micturition reflex mature in rats? Significance?
15d- need stimulation to urinate prior to this
How are embryos preserved prior to implantation into a recipient?
PBS and fetal calf serum
When are embyros collected for manipulation?
1-5d after breeding
What test differentiates alpha-hemolytic Strep pneumoniae vs other alpha-hemolytic Step samples?
optochin inhibition test- Strep pneumo is inhibited, others aren’t
Characteristic fibrinopurulent polyserositis is seen with what bacterial etiology in rats?
Strep pneumoniae
What pathologic findings are seen with Strep pneumoniae in rats?
inflammation of upper respiratory tract- rhinitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, pleuritis, bronchopneumonia, vestibular dz
What pathogenic serotypes of Strep pneumo are found in rats?
How is Strep pneumo diagnosed in rats?
Histopath + culture of nasopharyngeal swab on blood agar or PCR of lung/nasopharyngeal swab
What bacteria produces pseudomembranous colitis in germ-free rats?
C. difficile
What bacteria is associated with adenocarcinomas in Wistar rats?
Lawsonia intracellularis
What is the causative agent of streptococcal enteropathy in stunted suckling rats?
Lancefield Group D enterococci
Causative agent of pseudotuberculosis?
Corynebacterium kutscheri
Species that C. kutscheri affects?
Rats, mice, GPs, hamsters
What organ is most commonly affected by C. kutscheri in rats?
What type of inflammation is seen in pseudotuberculosis?
suppurative inflammation with caseous necrosis
How is pseudotuberculosis controlled?
Rederivation and bioexclusion
How is pseudotuberculosis diagnosed?
PCR of LN, oropharynx, nasopharynx, preputial glands, feces
Causative agent of Tyzzer’s?
Clostridium piliforme
What triad of organs are affected by C. piliforme?
Intestine, heart, liver
What stains are used to identify C. piliforme?
Warthin-Starry, H&E, Giemsa, methylene blue stain
What is the hallmark lesion of Tyzzer’s dz in rats?
coagulative necrosis of the liver
What clinical signs are seen with Leptospirosis infection in rats?
None- silent carriers
How is Pasteurella pneumotropica diagnosed in rats?
culture/PCR screening
How is P. pneumotropica treated in rats?
enrofloxacin + rederivation
What Salmonella is usually seen in rats?
S. enterica
What pathology is seen with Salmonella infection in rats?
mural thickening, mucosal ulcers in cecum and ileum
white foci on liver
How is Salmonella diagnosed in rats?
Culture of mesenteric lymph nodes at nx
PCR of feces
What type of rats have a high incidence of Staph aureus- associated ulcerative dermatitis?
Beige rats w Chediak-Hegashi syndrome (NK cell deficiency)
What organ is most affected by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in immunocompromised rats?