AVMA euthanasia guidelines Flashcards
Do the 2013 Guidelines address slaughter and depopulation methods?
No- those are separate documents
What term is used to describe ending the life of an individual animal in a way that minimizes or eliminates pain and distress?
What are the 3 mechanisms of euthanasia?
direct depression of neurons, hypoxia, physical disruption of brain activity
What are the US FWS recommendations to prevent secondary pentobarbital poisoning?
incinerate or cremate remains when possible, bury deeply, securely cover or store until deep burial is practical, prevent scavenger access to landfills, educate clients about proper disposal, include a warning regarding disposal on the euthanasia consent form, tag animal remains and bags with poison tags
Time to unconsciousness with inhaled agents is dependent on what 3 things?
displacement rate, container volume, concentration
Ether and carbon monoxide have what risk for human exposure?
Halocarbon anesthetics, CO2, and asphyxiating gases carry what risk for animal workers during euthanasia?
Asphyxiating gases and carbon monoxide carry what risk for animal workers during euthanasia?
Nitrous oxide and halocarbon anesthetics have what risk for animal workers during euthanasia?
possibility of addiction or physical abuse; health effects associated with chronic exposure
Extended exposure time to inhaled agents is required for what animals?
neonates, reptiles, amphibians, diving birds
What is required for inhaled agents to ensure a constant displacement rate?
pressure regulator, flow meter, dedicated source of the inhaled agent
What is unique about CO2 cylinders?
It’s a liquid under high pressure, most others are a gas
What may be seen with enflurane euthanasia?
seizures under deep anesthesia
What inhaled anesthetic agent has the least potency and the highest MAC?
Nitrous oxide
Inhaled agents are best for what size animal?
Inhaled agents as a class are considered what?
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
Ether as a euthanasia agent is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
c. not acceptable
Carbon monoxide as a euthanasia agent is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
Under what conditions is carbon monoxide euthanasia acceptable?
(1) personnel understand hazards and are instructed in use, (2) CO chamber must be of high quality construction, clean, and allow separation of animals, (3) CO source and chamber must be located in a well-ventilated environment, (4) chamber must be well lighted and allow direct observation of animals, (5) flow rate should be rapid enough to achieve 6% concentration, (6) CO monitors in room, (7) use consistent with regs, and (8) must be in a regulated/purified form
Argon and N2 gases are acceptable with conditions for euthanasia of what species?
pigs (with exposure of >7min to <2% O2 conditions), turkeys, chickens
What displacement rate should be used for CO2 euthanasia?
How long after respiratory arrest should CO2 flow be maintained to ensure death?
At least 1 minute
Neuromuscular blocking agents as a sole agent of euthanasia are:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
c. not acceptable
When are intracardiac, intrahepatic, intrasplenic, or intrarenal injections of euthanasia agents acceptable in most species?
When animal is unconscious or anesthetized
Intracardiac ok awake in snakes
Is oral administration of drug acceptable as a sole means of euthanasia?
No but can deliver sedatives and then inject euthanasia solution
What is the preferred method of euthanasia of dogs, cats, other small animals, and horses?
IV injection of barbituric acid derivatives
What DEA schedule is sodium pentobarbital?
Schedule II
What DEA schedule are combination products that use pentobarbital?
Schedule III
Why aren’t pentobarbital + neuromuscular blocking agents acceptable for euthanasia?
May induce paralysis before onset of unconsciousness
Carfentanil and etorphine have what conditions to their use as a euthanasia agent?
(1) no other euthanasia method is practical or safe, (2) person handling the drugs is familiar with the hazard, (3) a second person is observing and ready to give first aid in case of accidental exposure
What is a side effect of high doses of KCl in birds and other animals?
muscle tissue spasms
Chloral hydrate is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
c. not acceptable
When is ethanol acceptable as a euthanasia agent?
in low concentrations, as a secondary means of euthanizing finfish that are already rendered insensible; acceptable with conditions in mice; in no other species is it ok
Can MS 222 be used to euthanize fish intended for consumption?
no- 21d withdrawal period
How long after loss of opercular movement should fin fish be monitored to ensure euthanasia in MS 222?
at least 10 minutes, then a secondary method to confirm death
MS 222 as a sole euthanasia agent of finfish via immersion is
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
a. acceptable
MS 222 injected intracoelemically in amphibians is
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
c. not acceptable
MS 222 used via immersion in Xenopus is
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
a. acceptable but a secondary method should be used
Benzocaine used for finfish and amphibians is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
a. acceptable
What part of clove oil is carcinogenic?
Clove oil as a euthanasia agent is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
a. acceptable
What is an important consideration of metomidate as a euthanasia agent?
it is illegal d/t FDA classification
When is sodium hypochlorite acceptable as a euthanasia method?
For fish in the embryonic and larval stages (<7dpf for zebrafish)
For what species can formaldehyde be used as a euthanasia agent?
Porifera (sponges); for gastropod moluscs (snails, slugs) and coelenterates (comb jellies, corals anemonies) only after they are rendered unresponsive. NOT OK IN ANY OTHER SPECIES
Signs of successful placement of penetrating captive bolt
Immediate collapse, tetanic spasm, then slow hindlimb movement; no corneal reflex and wide open, straight ahead eyes
Why can’t penetrating captive bolt be used on ruminants entering the food supply?
Nervous tissue contamination can occur
Penetrating captive bolt as a euthanasia method is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
Nonpenetrating captive bolt as a euthanasia method is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
c. not acceptable (except in some neonates like pigs, ruminants, and turkeys)
Manually applied blunt force trauma as a euthanasia method in neonatal calves is
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
c. not acceptable
What type of bullet is preferred for euthanasia via firearm?
solid-point bullet (decent penetration without risk of fragmenting before entry into the brain)
Gunshot as a euthanasia method is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
Cervical dislocation as a euthanasia method is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
Cervical dislocation is acceptable with conditions for small birds, poultry, mice, or rats up to what size?
Decapitation as a euthanasia method is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
For electrocution to result in appropriate euthanasia, what must occur?
A grand mal seizure must be induced
What are the 3 ways to use electricity for euthanasia?
(1) head only
(2) 1 step head to body
(3) 2 step head and body
Electrocution as a euthanasia method is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
Electrocution methods that use head-to-foot, head-to-tail, or head to moistened metal plates are:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
c. not acceptable
How often must kill traps be checked?
at least once daily
When are glue traps acceptable?
Acceptable for insects and spiders. Not acceptable as a method of euthanasia but may be required for pest control for other species.
Chicks can be euthanized via maceration up to what age?
72hrs old
Focused beam microwave irradiation is primarily used for what?
fixation of brain metabolites for neuroscience research
Thoracic compression as a method of euthanasia is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
c. not acceptable unless animals are aneshtetized.
AAALAC still considers this method acceptable for field studies
What are acceptable methods for euthanasia of companion mammals?
Barbiturate overdose IV or IP Injectable anesthetic overdose IV tributame (not manufactured, not labelled for cats) T61 IV (not manufactured)
What methods are acceptable with conditions for euthanasia of companion mammals?
Barbiturates intraorgan or IO [anesthetized], inhaled anesthetic overdose [<7kg], carbon monoxide [equipment, training], carbon dioxide [equipment, training] gunshot [training, positioning, no other methods available], penetrating captive bolt [positioning, no other methods available]
What are adjunctive methods that may be used in euthanasia of anesthetized or unconscious companion mammals?
Potassium chloride IV or IC, N2 or Ar, electrocution
What euthanasia methods are preferred for pregnant animals?
Injectable barbiturates and waiting 15-20min after the dam has been confirmed deceased
Who should approve euthanasia methods used in the research environment?
The IACUC with mandatory veterinary input
What methods of euthanasia are acceptable for laboratory rodents?
barbiturates IV or IP, dissociative agent combos
Optimal flow rate for CO2 euthanasia of rodents?
Under what conditions may tribromoethanol be used to euthanize rodents?
When it is prepared, stored, and administered correctly
When is IP injection of ethanol 70% acceptable as a method of euthanasia?
For mice only
Recent study says >35d only
What methods of euthanasia are unacceptable for lab rodents?
nitrogen or argon, potassium chloride, NMBs or combos, opioids, urethane, alpha chloralose
What consideration should be given to altricial vs precocial neonates?
Precocial neonates can be treated as adults, altricial neonates are resistant to hypoxia and other effects and have special considerations for euthanasia
For euthanasia of neonatal rodents, CO2 is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions- need up to 50 minutes for euthanasia and need adjunctive method
For euthanasia of neonatal rodents, hypothermia is:
a. acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions
c. not acceptable
b. acceptable with conditions- can’t come in contact with ice, needs to be <7d of age
For what age of neonatal rodent is euthanasia by rapid freezing in liquid nitrogen acceptable?
less than 5 days
Decapitation using scissors or a sharp blade for neonatal rodents is acceptable with conditions up to what age?
7 days
Why are inhaled euthanasia methods acceptable with conditions for rabbits?
They breath-hold, find agents aversive, and may show distress w CO2.
Need to be anesthetized or sedated for inhaled agents
How long should adult zebrafish be exposed to 2-4C water to ensure euthanasia?
> 10 minutes
How long should larval zebrafish 4-7 dpf be exposed to 2-4C water to ensure euthanasia?
> 20 minutes
What should rapid chilling be followed by to ensure death of zebrafish embryos <3dpf?
diluted sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite
How should bird eggs that have reached >50% incubation be euthanized?
Sufficient for pain perception- euthanize similar to neonates; anesthetic overdose, decapitation, prolonged (>20min) exposure to CO2
How should bird eggs that have reached <50% incubation be euthanized?
prolonged (:>20min) exposure to CO2, cooling <4C for 4 hours, or freezing