NHP biology Flashcards
NHP that have cheek pouches?
OWM in Cercopithecidae
NHP that have sex skin?
great apes, some OWM (baboons and macaques most common)
A newly-acquired 5yo female olive baboon has pronounced swelling of the perineum. What is your primary differential?
a. bacterial abscess
b. atypical tuberculosis
c. normal sex skin tumescence
d. dystocia
c. normal sex skin tumescence
A naked, moist snout is characteristic of what type of primates?
Which species have a toilet claw on the third digit instead of the 2nd?
What type of placentation do most strepsirrhine primates have?
What type of placentation do tarsiers have?
What is the dental formula of Strepsirrhine primates?
I2/2 C1/1 PM3/3 M3/3
Which species have a dietary requirement for vitamin D3 in the diet? Why?
platyrrhine primates (NWM) Because vitamin D2 isn't bioavailable in these species
What type of primates menstruate?
great apes, OWM, Cebus, and some Ateles (spider monkeys)
What is the only nocturnal simian primate?
Aotus (owl monkey)
What type of monkey may have a prehensile tail?
Platyrrhine (NWM)
Which type of monkey may have ischial callosities?
What type of placentation do OWM have?
hemochorial discoidal
What is a hallux?
Specialized nail on the first digit of the foot in Callitrichids that is opposable (the thumb is not)
How many scent marking glands do Callitrichids have, and what are they?
2- circumgenital and sternal glands
What does ‘short-tusked’ mean and to which primates does it refer?
Refers to marmosets- canine teeth are same length as incisors
What are the two most common genuses of callitrichids used in research?
Which members of a group of marmosets are able to reproduce?
Only the dominant male and female, but all members contribute to rearing
A subordinate female common marmoset presents for an annual exam; you note that she has not had signs of estrus in the last year. How do you interpret this?
Normal finding for subordinates- only the dominant female will cycle
How long is the estrus cycle in Callithrix jacchus?
28 days
How long is the estrus cycle in Saguinus?
22-26 days dependent on species
Do marmosets and tamarins have a postpartum estrus?
Trick question- marmosets do, tamarins don’t
How is pregnancy diagnosed in callitrichids?
As early as two weeks via plasma or urine placental chorionic gonadotropin, urinary progesterone, ultrasound
What is special about marmoset twins?
Vascular anastamoses result in chimerism in most twins
Fraternal marmoset twins are born in your colony. Will the female twin have normal reproduction at maturity?
Yes- free-martinism doesn’t happen d/t enzyme system in utero
Are callitrichids seasonal or nonseasonal breeders in captivity? In the wild?
nonseasonal in captivity, seasonal in the wild
What is the gestation for Callithrix?
148 days
What is the gestation for Saguinus?
140-170 days (longer in S. oedipus)
What is the most productive NHP species?
Marmosets- short interbirth interval, high twinning rate, long reproductive life span
Which of the following temperatures is most appropriate for housing of callitrichids?
a. 61F
b. 70F
c. 75F
d. 80F
d. 80F- warmer temperatures needed to prevent metabolic and cold stress
How often should nest boxes be cleaned?
Every two weeks, preferably on an alternating schedule with other equipment to keep scents on items
Which NHP species is used as a model of Parkinson’s dz, aging, and experimental allergic encephalomyelitis?
common marmosets
What CITES appendix are Callithrix jacchus?
Appendix II
What CITES appendix are Saguinous oedipus?
Appendix I
What are the major research uses of tamarins?
viral hepatitis, chronic colitis/colon cancer, cardiomyopathy
What is the only nocturnal simian primate?
owl monkey (Aotus)
Do Aotus have a tapetum lucidum?
T/F. Aotus have a higher basal metabolic rate than other primates for their size.
False- it is 20-25% lower than expected for a mammal of their size
How many chromosomes do Aotus have?
variable dependent on species, 46-56
Which species of NWM are monogamous?
“All copulate privately”
Cercocebinae (titis)
Pithecinae (sakis, uakaris)
In which NWM species do the males carry the infants?
Aotus and titi monkeys
“Owls and titis carry the load, marmosets share the load, squirrel monkeys are a load.”
Which Aotus species has some diurnal behaviors?
Aotus azarai, Azara’s night monkey
How long is the Aotus estrus cycle?
15-18d most common, some up to 22d
What is a normal gestation length for Aotus?
What research models are Aotus used for?
Infectious disease: Malaria- susceptible to multiple species Oncogenic herpesviruses Viral diseases- hepatitis A, EEE, dengue Leishmaniasis
Genus for squirrel monkeys?
Saimiri sp.
How many chromosomes do squirrel monkeys have?
44 (diploid)
Which type of squirrel monkeys are identified by gothic arches above the eyes?
Saimiri sciureus (common squirrel monkey)
Also S. oerstedii (central american squirrel monkey) and S. ustus (golden-backed squirrel monkey)
Which type of squirrel monkeys are identified by roman arches above the eyes?
Saimiri boliviensis (Bolivian or peruvian squirrel monkey)
Saimiri vanzolinii (black-headed squirrel monkey)
You decide to karyotype some of your squirrel monkeys before starting a project and find out that some of your squirrel monkeys are hybrids between Guyanese and Peruvians. What is the most likely outcome of this finding?
Decreased reproductive efficiency due to karyotypic variations that result in nonviable gametes (50% of offspring are infertile)
Your recently arrived squirrel monkeys are urinating on their hands and feet, then rubbing their hands all over themselves and their caging. How do you address this behavior?
a. Increase enrichment to decrease the incidence of the stereotypy
b. Do nothing, this is normal scent-marking on a new cage
c. Perform a urine culture and sensitivity prior to treating the UTI
d. Increase the amount of moisture in feed for at least 2 weeks to resolve crystalluria
b. Do nothing, this is normal scent-marking on a new cage
What is ‘fatting’ in relation to squirrel monkeys?
15% weight gain in males with seasonal enlargement of testes in preparation for breeding season
What is the major contributor to high rates of dystocia and stillbirths in squirrel monkeys?
the large fetal-to-dam size ratio, with infants weighing up to 20% of the dam’s weight
In which primate species do infants actively participate in the birth process by helping to pull itself out?
Squirrel monkeys
Which of the following is the most appropriate perching material for NWM?
a. PVC pipe
b. galvanized steel
c. aluminum
d. soft neoprene
a. PVC pipe
What is the smallest perch diameter that can be used for squirrel monkeys without risk of tail ulcers?
3/4 inch, should be wider
Should a new squirrel monkey be added to an established group?
No- high risk of injury
What are special dietary needs of squirrel monkeys?
Vitamin C- like all NHP
Vitamin D3- like other NWM
Folic acid
High protein requirements, especially as infants
What other NHP species could be housed with Saimiri?
Cebus sp. live in the same ecological niche and have natural interspecies association, but care must be taken
You see an adult female squirrel monkey with slighly pale mucous membranes, a 28% hematocrit. She otherwise looks normal on exam. You compare her reproductive history to the rest of your colony and notice that this year’s infants are smaller than average. Based on your primary differential, how do you address this?
Ensure the diet provides at least 200pg/day of folic acid for each monkey
What research areas are squirrel monkeys used in?
Neuroscience- CNS, behavior/learning, perception
Cortisol rc studies- resistant to glucocorticoids
Heart failure, cardiomyoptathy
Malaria, TSEs, pelvic organ prolapse
Also infectious dz, genetics, pharmacology, behavioral pharmacology, drug addiction, tox research
What NHP species is most susceptible to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies?
squirrel monkeys
What is the scientific name of the rhesus macaque?
Macaca mulatta
What is the scientific name of the cynomolgus macaque?
Macaca fascicularis
You walk into a room of rhesus. One male makes direct eye contact with you and holds his mouth open toward you. What is this behavior called?
open mouth threat
You are observing a group of rhesus. Two monkeys just got into a fight. The rest of the group are currently shaking their heads, yawning, scratching themselves, and not making eye contact. What are these behaviors indicative of?
Head shaking, yawning, scratching are signs of anxiety or tension
Are rhesus seasonal or nonseasonal breeders?
Are cynos seasonal or nonseasonal breeders?
nonseasonal- all other macaques are seasonal
What is the gestation of a rhesus macaque?
165d (same for cynos)
How long is the menstrual cycle of rhesus?
28d (same for cynos)
What color are cyno infants when born?
They have black hair that transitions to grey or agouti as they mature
What temperature range should monkeys be kept at indoors?
Macaques were imported to the US from India for use in research until what year?
What is the primary use of Macaca arctoides in research?
Stump-tailed macaque- balding and behavior
What is the primary use of Macaca nemestrina in research?
Southern pig-tailed macaque- HIV/SHIV, gene therapy, immunology
What is the primary use of Macaca radiata in research?
Bonnet macaque- Kyasanur Forest disease, reproductive biology
What are the largest old world monkey species?
You see a baboon in social housing walking away from you. The ischial callosities are fused below the anus. What gender is this animal?
You see a baboon in social housing walking away from you. The ischial callosities are distinctly separate below the anus. What gender is this animal?
T/F: Baboons have cheek pouches
Are baboons seasonal or nonseasonal breeders?
What is gestation length in baboons?
What type of placentation do macaques have?
bidiscoidal hemochorial
What type of placentation do baboons have?
monodiscoidal hemochorial
Which of the following housing types results in the greatest reproductive success in baboons?
a. indoor caged housing
b. outdoor run housing
c. indoor run housing
d. indoor-outdoor run housing
d. indoor-outdoor run housing
What are the main research uses for baboons?
Coronary heart and lung dz (Bordetella pertussis or whooping cough)
Also atherosclerosis, hypertension, osteopenia, diabetes, genetics, stem cell tehrapy, organ transplantation, repro physiology and vaccine development
Genus of African green monkeys
What genus has a ‘red, white, and blue’ display?
Number of chromosomes in macaques and baboons?
Number of chromosomes in african green monkeys?
What is an eyelid display in Chlorocebus?
Brow contraction that shows pale eyelid skin during defensive or aggressive behavior
Are Chlorocebus seasonal or nonseasonal breeders?
What is unique to Chlorocebus among cercopithecine primates in multi-male groups?
No perineal swelling/ sex skin associated with fertility
T/F: Chlorocebus are territorial even in captivity.
What are some of the research areas for Chlorocebus?
Trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis Genetics Vaccinology Hypertension Neurologic disease Psychology, social behavioor Atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome
What are Vero cells?
cell line from kidney epithelium of African green monkeys
What is the scientific name of the bonobo?
Pan paniscus
What is the scientific name of the chimpanzee?
Pan troglodytes
Family of chimpanzees?
What is the largest nonhuman primate model traditionally used in research?
the chimpanzee
What is the only animal that closely models hepatitis C infection and pathogenesis?
When did the NIH institute a moratorium on breeding NIH-supported chimps?
In 2013, what major decision was made by the NIH regarding chimps?
Retire all but 50 chimps from research
What is the gestation of the chimpanzee?
What is the gestation of Chlorocebus?
165 days
What is the minimum social group size for NIH-supported chimpanzees?
How much vertical space must be provided to chimpanzees supported by the NIH?
20 vertical feet
What is the minimum housing space that must be provided to NIH-supported chimpanzees?
What is the minimum floor space and height that must be provided to juvenile chimps <10kg according to the Guide?
60in height
What is the minimum floor space and height that must be provided to adult chimps according to the Guide?
84in height
What is the minimum ABSL level NHPs should be housed at?
What is the most frequently found virus in NHP caretakers?
simian foamy virus