Birds Flashcards
Scientific name of zebra finch
Taeniopygia guttata
Scientific name?
Taeniopygia guttata
Organism found in zebra finches. ID?
Macrorhabdus ornithogaster
Mite found in zebra finch. ID?
Neocheyletiella parvisetosa
Skin mite that produces silken capsule-like nests on feathers
Primary differential for adult female zebrafinch?
Egg yolk coelomitis
Primary differential for aged female zebra finch?
Ovarian tumor
Primary differential for zebra finch with clinical presentation shown?
Avian polyomavirus- see discreet nodules, unilateral periorbital swelling
IN inclusion bodies on histopath
Cause of lesions in quail?
Toe balls due to accumulation of fecal material, food, bedding, and male cloacal gland foam
Scientific name and which of these is male, L or R?
Coturnix japonica, male is on L
Common name of Serinus canaries
Common name of Sternus vulgaris
European starling
Common name of Lonchuria striata domestica
society finch
Common name of Passer domesticus
house sparrow
Common name of Melopsittacus undulatus
Scientific name of Japanese quail
Coturnix japonica
Scientific name of chicken
Gallus domesticus
Scientific name of turkey
Meleagris gallopovo
Scientific name of pigeon
Columba livia
Primary research use of zebra finches
Social and motor behaviors, acoustic learning and communication
What is a song motif?
stereotyped sequence of syllables repeated in a linear sequence in song
At what age do zebra finches demonstrate mature songs?
80-90 days post hatch
T/F: The anterior forebrain pathway is used for both vocal learning and repitition of the adult song.
F- it is only used for vocal learning
Describe the chromosomal sex determination of birds.
ZZ = male, ZW = female
at what age is a zebra finch considered a: hatchling?
at what age is a zebra finch considered a: fledgling?
at what age is a zebra finch considered a: juvenile?
at what age is a zebra finch considered a: adult?
at what age is a zebra finch considered a: mature adult?
What type of feet do zebra finches have?
anisodactylous–>3 digits forward, 1 back
Which side of the reproductive tract is most of ten reproductively active in birds?
T/F: zebra finches are seasonal breeders.
How long is the incubation period for zebra finches?
How do you screen for Chlamydophila or Mycobacterium in zebra finches?
PCR of cloaca
Serology is performed for what viral agents in zebra finches?
avian influenz,a paramyxovirus
How much space should be provided to zebra finches?
1 cubic foot/bird (no regs)
T/F: Zebra finches should be ‘rested’ from breeding by removing nest materials and boxes for a month twice per year.
What temperature should zebra finches be housed at?
Signs of a sick bird?
Obvious wounds, unexpected feather loss, partially closed eyes, open-mouth breathing, irregular body contour (swelling/ruffling), abnormal perch stance, reluctance to move
T/F: clipping the toe of a perching bird to obtain blood is acceptable.
F- unacceptable
How can blood be drawn from birds?
R jugular, basilic vein, tibiotarsal vein, ulnar vein
What should be avoided with intracoelomic injections in birds?
Air sacs
Males jabbing or pecking at the head of an opponent is known as what behavior?
bill fencing
A female zebra finch presents with a swollen caudal coelom, tenesmus, and tail bobbing. How should you treat your primary differential?
Primary ddx: egg binding; treat with supplemental heat, diluted calcium gluconate, rehydration, prostaglandin E2 gel; if needed can try manual removal but rarely works
T/F: Oxytocin should be given to dystocia cases in birds.
F- oxytocin doesn’t cause uterine contraction in birds
Clinical signs of paramyxovirus 3 (PMV-3)?
neurologic signs, diarrhea, respiratory
Avian paramyxovirus 1 is most commonly known as what disease?
Newcastle disease
Clinical signs of avian influenza in zebra finches?
sudden death, unthriftiness, respiratory and neuro signs
Which strain of influenza results in severe signs and high mortality in zebra finches?
What virus causes discreet SQ nodules and unilateral periorbital swelling in zebra finches?
Histology of avian polyomavirus
intranuclear inclusion bodies in multiple organs
What are characteristics of avipoxvirus in finches?
high mortality in rosy finches, see characteristic Bollinger body intracellular inclusions
2 most common mycobacteria in zebra finches?
M. avium avium (m reported), M. genavense (m common)
3 zoonotic diseases from zebra finches?
Mycobacterium avium, Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni, Chlamydophila psittaci, avian flu
How should mycoplasmal conjunctivitis in zebra finches be treated?
tetracycline, enrofloxacin, tylosin; or ciprofloxacin eye drops
Coccidia that affect zebra finches?
Isospora, Eimeria, Cryptosporidium (rare), Sarcocystis, Neospora caninum
Flagellates that affect zebra finches?
Trichomonas, Cochlosoma
What is the ventricular roundworm of zebra finches?
Acuaria skrjabini
2 zoonotic mites from zebra finches?
Dermanyssus gallinae, Ornithonyssus sylvarium
Hyperkeratotic lesions on the beak base and feet are characteristic of what?
Quill mites or scaly mites, Knemidocoptes pilae
How are mites treated?
permethrin, ivermectin
Primary research use of quail?
developmental biology, endocrinology, aging, immunology, behavior, genetics, reproductive biology
Order of quail?
Incubation period for quail?
Incubation period for chickens?
How to differentiate quail cells from chicken cells in chimeras?
Schiff’s reagent- quail nuclei stain intensely, chicken nuclei don’t
What is the preferred amniote model for molecular studies?
What is the preferred amniote model for live imaging?
Quail are a model for what disease that results in myotonic dystrophy and acid maltase deficiency?
Pompe’s disease
Quiver is a neurofilament-deficient mutant in what species?
japanese quail
What gland in quail is equivalent to the mammalian prostate?
Proctodeal gland or cloacal gland in males
Aged female quail are a model for what disease?
What is the advantage of using quail in aging studies?
hypothalamic systems in quail exhibit neuroplasticity, bone physiology is dynamic
How to sex Japanese quail?
Males are slightly smaller, see cloacal foam with gentle manual pressure on gland
What is the purpose of lower field myopia for quail?
Allows focus on ground and horizon simultaneously
Auditory range of quail?
1-4kHz best
An animal showing behavioral components of dust bathing without having this enrichment provided is showing what behavior?
vacuum dust bathing
T/F: quail require perches
F- they are ground dwelling and don’t use them often
How many chromosomes do Japanese quail and hcickens have?
How can quail be genotyped immediately after birth?
Chorioallantoic membrane on the shell fragments of freshly hatched eggs, feather blood cells, Southern blot
At what temperature should quail eggs be kept prior to incubation?
How much space should be provided for each quail?
How high should quail cages be?
At what temperature should quail be kept?
A high cholesterol diet results in what condition in quail?
Hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis
How should quails and chickens be restrained?
Pinning wings against body and letting legs hang or cupping around the wings with both hands
When do quail reach sexual maturity?
What is female puberty in production poultry?
Average age of first egg laid for the flock
What is sexual maturity in production poultry?
time at which egg production of the flock reaches 50%
When is male puberty for production poultry?
First appaerance of secondary sex characteristics like crowing and production of foam
What temperature should quail eggs be incubated at?
38C, 50-65% RH
Most common cause of injuries in quail?
Traumatic pecking to the head and back of neck
What can decrease the incidence of pecking injuries in poultry?
not using multi-male breeding groups, trimming beak and nails
Male quail get what tumor most often?
Sertoli cell tumor
Three most significant infectious viruses of quail?
quail bronchitis virus, Newcastle virus, EEE
What type of virus is quail bronchitis virus?
type 1 avian adenovirus
Age most often affected by quail bronchitis virus?
Necropsy findings of quail bronchitis virus?
tracheal opacity, thickening of trachea with partial obstruction, mucosal exudate; basophilic intranuclear inclusions; necrosis of spleen, liver, cloacal bursa
Clinical signs of newcastle disease?
subclinical, lethargy, ruffled feathers, dyspnea, torticollis, paralysis, hemorrhagic diarrhea
Necropsy findings of Newcastle disease?
tracheal hemorrhage, pulmonary edema, proventricular hemorrhage, intestinal congestion
Genus of EEE?
Transmission of EEE?
arthropod vectors; cannibalism
Characteristic finding of EEE in quail?
duodenal catarrhal enteritis
Causative agent of egg drop syndrome?
duck adenovirus A
Causative agent of hydropericardium syndrome?
fowl adenovirus serotype 4
Most common disease caused by herpesvirus in quail?
Marek’s disease
Primary differential for weight loss, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, blindness, crusty papules at the commissures of the beak and external nares, and decreased egg production in quail?
quail poxvirus
Encephalomyelitis, ganglionitis, and proventricular lymphoid hyperplasia are characteristic of what disease?
avian encephalomyelitis virus
Japanese quail are the natural host for what virus associated with reticulum cell neoplasia and lymphoma?
reticuloendotheliosis virus (retrovirus)
What causes quail disease?
Clostridium colinum
Causative agent of fowl typhoid
Salmonella gallinarum
Causative agent of pullorum disease
Salmonella pullorum
most common infectious bacterial disease in poultry
E. coli
T/F: Campylobacter leads to acute gastroenteritis resulting in rapid death in most birds.
F- they recover and show few clinical signs
Causative agent of fowl cholera
Pasteurella multocida
Ag Guide limits for ammonia exposure in birds?
25ppm ideally, don’t exceed 50ppm
Can nest boxes be added to the floor space when calculating space requirements for birds?
No (Ag Guide)
Vertical distance between tiers of aviary caging for Ag poultry should be max how far apart?
Horizontal distance between tiers of aviary caging for Ag poultry should be max how far apart?
0.8m if they will fly between them; at least 2m if not
Height of tiers for aviary caging in Ag poultry should be a max of what height?
Chickens raised under USDA organic provisions must have access to what?
outdoor space
Poorly sized perches for poultry result in what?
Keel malformations
What are standard agricultural practices for poultry?
beak trimming, toe trimming (only benefits turkeys), snood removal (only if <3w), dubbing (comb/wattle removal, only if in cages where they will be injured), pinioning (not ok), induced molt (non-fasting better than fasting)