Radiology Flashcards
Define each of the following terms that can be used to describe fractures:
- Comminuted
- Angulation
- Displacement
Comminuted - split into 2+ fragments
Angulation - distal end of fracture pointing in different direction
Displacement - 2 ends of fracture aren’t touching
How can an impaction fracture appear on XR and why?
Appear as v dense (v white) in a linear pattern due to 2 fractured parts getting pushed together
What is avulsion?
Is this an easy or difficult fracture to XR?
How can you identify if it is an acute avulsion fracture?
Avulsion = tear off e.g. tearing of tendon/ligament off bone
Difficult - can easily be mimicked
The fracture fragment will not be completely corticated (not completely outlined in white)
What are sesamoid bones?
Why can they sometimes be problematic in XR?
Bones that can be found in line of tendons, adjacent to joints (in particular hands and feet) - lubricate passage of tendon over joint
Can mimic avulsion fracture
If an elbow effusion is present (which often occurs alongside trauma) what sign is visible on XR?
Describe what it looks like?
Posterior fat pad sign - always abnormal sign
Darker grey posterior to distal humerus
What 2 lines of alignment must you check for in an elbow joint?
Humero-capitellar - anterior front of humerus runs directly into MIDDLE of capitellar
Radio-capitellar - proximal radius runs straight into capitellar
When XR the hand/wrist you must check line of alignment in the lateral wrist.
What must align?
Distal concavity of the radius
What does # mean?
Kids bone are more likely to flex and bow as opposed to snap and break. For each of the following types of paeds trauma describe how it would appear on XR?
- Buckle #
- Greensticks #
- Salter-Harris #
Buckle #
- change in curvature of bone
- affects METAPHYSIS
Greenstick #
- incomplete fracture
Salter-Harris #
- epiphysis and metaphysis no longer aligned
What classification is used to grade growth plate fractures?
If a bony ring is injured how many disruptions should you expect to see?
What of the following would appear on XR? Wood Plastic Glass Metal