RAD pictures 1 Flashcards
Label a-f

A = cerebrum
B = olfactory bulb
C = cerebellum
D = brain stem
E = thalamus
F = lateral ventricle
Label A-C

A = auricular cartilage
B = annular cartilage
C = external ear canal
Label A,B

A = mandibular salivary gland
B = mandibular lymph nodes
Label A-C

A = mandibular salivary gland
B = sublingual salivary gland
C = salivary gland duct
Label A-C

A = digastricus
B = mandible
C = facial vein with ligatures
Label A-D

A = retropharyngeal nerve
B = accessory nerve
C = sternomastoideus muscle
D = cleidomastoideus
Label A-E

A = medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes
B = vagosympathetic trunk
C = common cartoid artery
D = CNXI (Accessory nerve)
E = C1
Label A-G

A = common cartoid artery
B = occipital artery
C = internal cartoid artery
D = external cartoid artery
E = lingual artery
F = hypoglossal nerve
G = mylohyoideus muscle
Label A-C

A = tympanic bulla
B = digastricus muscle
C = location of paracondylar process
Label A-E

A = vagosympathetic trunk
B = distal ganglion of CNX
C = cranial cervical ganglion
D = tympanic bulla
E = common cartoid artery
Label A,B

A = body of mandible
B = mental nerves
Label A,B

A = levator nasolabialis muscle
B = labii maxallaris
Label A-C

A = masseter muscle
B = digastricus muscle
C = facial artery
Label A-C

A = digastricus muscle
B = mylohyoidues muscle
C = lungial nerve
Label A-D

A = mylohyoideus muscle
B = digastricus muscle
C = lingual nerve
D = hypoglossal nerve
Label A-C

A = masseter muscle
B = masseteric fossa
C = zygomatic arch
Label A-D

A = mandibular branch CNV
B - lingual nerve
C = pterygoid muscle
D = mandibular vessels
Label A-F

A = hypoglossus muscle
B = stylohyoid bone
C = epihyoid bone
D = palatine tonsil
E = location of branches of glossopharyngeal nerve
F = styloglossus muscle
Label A-D

A - stylohoid bne
B = epihyoid bone
C = ceratohyoid bone
D = hyopharyngeus muscle
Label A-C

A = circopharyngeus muscle
B = pharyngeal mucosa
C = recurrent laryngeal
Label A-C

A = epiglottis
B = right vocal fold
C = left lateral ventricle
Label A-D

A = cut edge of soft palate
B = nasal opening of right auditory tube
Longus capitus m
C = left side
D = right side
Label A-F

A = temporais muscle
B = pterygoid muscle
C = body of the mandible
D = zygomatic salivary gland
E = zygomatic arch
F = periorbita
Label A-I

A = remnant of falx cerebri
B = pituitary gland
C = hypophyseal fossa
D = position of pineal gland
E = third ventricle
F = interthalamic adhesion
G = chroid plexus of the lateral ventricle
H = fourth ventricle
I = position of cevernous sinus
Label A-G

A = falx cerebri
B = cerebrum
C = olfactory bulb
D = cerebellum
E = brain stem
F = hypophyseal fossa
G = interthalamic adhesion
Label A-G

Label A-J

A = right frontal sinus
B = cribiform plate
C = optic canal
D orbital fissure
E = round foramen
F = oval foramen
G = internal acoustic meatus
H = jugular foramen
I = petrous temporal bone
J = hypophyseal fossa
Label A-C

A = rostral cranial fossa
B = caudal cranial fossa
C = tentorium cerebelli
Label A-C

A = platysma muscle
B = cleidocervicalis muscle
C = sternocephalicus muscle
Label A-E

A = cleidocervicalis muscle
B = sternocephalicus muscle
C = omotrasnversarius muscle
D = branches of C2
E = accessory nerve (CNXI)
Label A-C

A = C3
C = C2
Label A-C

A = common carotid artery
B = carotid sheath
C = vagosumpathetic trunk
Label A-D

A = distal ganglion of vagus nerve
B = medial retrpharyngeal lymph nodes
C = vagosympathetic trunk
D = internal jugular vein
Label A-C

A = longus capitis muscle
B = tympanic bulla
C = rectus capitis ventralis muscle
Label A - J

A = cranial cervical ganglion
B = distal ganglion of vagus nerve
C = common cartoid artery
D = internal cartoid artery
E = occiptal artery
F = glossopharyngeal nerve
G = hypoglossal nerve and lingual artery
H = digastricus muscle
I = accessory nerve
J = ventral branch CI spinal nerve
Label A,B

A = parotid salivary gland
B = mandibular salivary glands
Label A-E

A = lingual artery
B = internal carotid artery
C = occiptal artery
D = external carotid
E = hypoglossal nerve
Label - A-C

A = styloglossus muscle
B = tympanohyoid bone
C = digastricus muscle (reflected)
Label A

A = facial nerve
Label A-F

A = tympanic ring
B = manubrium of malleus
C = mascular process of amlleus
D = promontorium
E - cochlear window
F = position of tensor tympanum muscle
Label A-D

A = frontalis muscle
B = orbital ligament
C = zygomatic arch
D = reflected skin and facial muscle
Label A,B

A = masseter muscle
B = zygomatic salivary gland
Label A-E

A = mandibular branch of CNV
B = lingual nerve
C = mandibular foramen
D = mandibular fossa
E = pterygoid muscle
Label A-D

A = periorbital fat
B = zygomatic salivary gland
C = maxillary branch CNV
d = maxillary artery
Label A,B

A = orbital ligament
B = lacrimal gland
Label A-C

A = dorsal rectus muscle
B = lateral rectus muscle
C = levator palpebrae
Label A-D

A = dorsal rectus muscle
B = lateral recutus muscle
C = ventral rectus muscle
D = ventral oblique muscle
Label A,B

A = rectractor bulbi muscle
B = optic nerve
Label A-D

A = olfactory bulb
B = cribriform plate
C = ethmoidal turbinates
D = nasal turbinates
Label A-C

A = cribriform plate of the ethmoidal bone
B = olfactory bulb reflected
C = ehtmoidal turbinate bones
Label A-H

A = alar fold
B = nasal meatus dorsal
C = middle nasal meatus
D = ventral nasal meatus
E = dorsal nasal conchae
F = ventral nasal conchae
G = ethmoidal concahe
H = frontal sinus
Label A-C

A = incisive duct
B = position of incisive papilla
C = vomeronasal organ
Label A,B

A = nasolacrimal duct
B = level of infraorbital foramen
Label A-H

A = parotid lymph nodes
B = lateral retorpharyngeal lymph nodes
C = medial retropharyngeal lymph node
D = thoracic duct
E = mandibuar lymph node
F = superficial cervical lymph node
G = cranial mediastinal lymph node
H = axillary lymph node
Label A-H

A = lateral auricular
B = Maxillary
C = Occipital
D = Internal carotid
E = external carotid
F = lingual
G = facial
H = facial
Label A-C

A = spermatic cord and cremaster muscle
B = genitofemoral nerve
C = prepuce
Label A-C

A = saphenous nerve
B = sartorious muscle
C = femoral vein
Label A-I

A = Dorsal vagal trunk
B = lung
C = remnants of diaphragm
D = stomach
E = aorta
F = sympathetic ganglion
G = kidney
H = cranial mesenteric artery
I = splenic branch of coeliac artery
Label A-H

A = kidney
B = aorta
C = caudal vena cava
D = caudal mesenteric ganglia and plexus
E = caudal mesenteric artery
F = wing of ilium
G = hypogastric nerves
H = colon
Label A-C

A = cystic duct
B = bile duct
C = thigh
PP = papailary process
P = porta
GB = gall bladder
BD = bile duct
RM = right medial lobe
rl = right lateral lobe
ql = quadrate lobe
cp = caudate process
Label A-F

A = stomach
B = gc
C = spleen
D = colon
E = jejunum
F = thigh
Label the following

Gastrosplenic ligament
Label A - G

A = stomach
B = liver
C = spleen
D = kidney
E = colon
F = jejunum
G = faliform ligament
Label A - F

A = spermatic cord
B = tecticular artery and pampiniform plexus
C = ductus deferens
D = parietal vaginal tunic, fascia and cremaster muscle
E = testis
F = tail of the epididymis
Label A-D

A = right broad ligament
B = right round ligament of uterus
C = right deep inguinal ring
D = left broad ligament
Label A-C

A = external pudendal artery
B = external pudendal vein
C = caudal superficial epigastric vein
Label a,f

a = external pudendal artery and vein
f = femoral artery and vein
Label A,B

A = internal pudendal artery and vein
B = caudal gluteal artery and vein
Label A-E

A = lumbar artery
B = ovarian artery
C = vaginal artery
D = anastomosis between ovarian and uterine artery
E = uterine artery
Label A-D

A = ovarian vein
B = vaginal vein
C = uterine vein
D = anastomosis between ovarian adn uterine vein
Label A-F

A = external iliac artery and vein
B = caudal gluteal artery and vein and internal pudendal artery and vein
C = left internal iliac artery and vein
D = right internal iliac artery and vein
E = Right external iliac artery and vein
F = right deep circumflex iliac artery and vein
Label A-K

A = lung
B = diaphragm
C = stomach
D = aorta
E = coeliac artery
F = left gastric artery
G = hepatic artery
H = cranial mesenteric artery
I = kidney
J = splenic artery
K = spleen
Label A-C

A = renal artery and vein
B = testicular artery
C = testicular vein
Label A-H

A = lung
B = reminants of diaphgram
C = aorta
D = stomach
E = adrenal gland (left)
F = kidney
G = phrenicoabdominal vein
H = coeliac artery
Label A-C

A = medial iliac lymph node
B = superfifical inguinal lymph node
C = popliteal lymph node
Label A-C

A = spermatic cord and cremaster muscle (reflected)
B = superfifical inguinal lymph node
C = prepuce
Label A,B

A = external abdominal oblique muscle
B = rectus abdominis muscle
Label A-D

A = external abdominal oblique
B = rectus adbominis
C = iliocostalis muscle
D = transverse adominal muscle
Label A-D

A = Aortic hiatus
B = Oesophageal hiatus
C = caval foramen
D = central tendon
Label A-E

A = superficial gluteal muscle
B = biceps femoris
C = semitendinosus muscle
D = semimembranosus muscle
E = gracilis muscle
Label A-E

A = superficial gluteal
B = internal obturator muscle
C = semimebranosus muscle
D = semitendinosus muscle
E = biceps femoris
Label A-F

A = left kidney
B = aorta
C = left ureter
D = colon
E = urinary bladder
F = left testicaular artery (retracted)
Label A-D

A = median ligament
B = apex (grasped)
C = left lateral ligament
D = body of bladder
Label A-D

A = bulbospongiosus muscle
B = ischiocavernosus muscle
C = root
D = body
Label A-D

A = glans
B = bulbus glandis
C = body of penis
D = external urethral opening
Label l,f,b

l = labia
f = clitoral fossa
b = clitoris
Label A-E

A - left uterine horn
B = right uterine horn
C = left ovarian vein
D = left ovary (within bursa)
E = left kidney
Label left and right

Left = root of penis
Right = prostate gland
Label A-D

A = coccygeus muscle
B = levator ani
C = internal obturator
D = superficial gluteal
Label A-C

A = transversospinalis system
B = longissimus muscle (epaxial muscles)
C = iliocostalis
Label A,B

A = longissismus thoracis and lumborum muscle
B = iliocostalis thoracis muscle
Label A-G

A = splenius on right side
B = splenius
C = rhombodieus
D = serratus ventralis
E = right forelimb
F = longissimus cervicis muscle
G = illiocostalis thoracics muscle
Label A,B

A = nuchal ligament
B = supraspinous ligament
Label A-E

A = caudal 1
B = acurate ligaments
C = sacrum
D = body of L7
E = body of L6
Label A-D

A = rectus abdominis muscle
B = superficial inguinal ring
C = external abdominal oblique muscle
D = spermatic cord
Label A-D, blue, green and white arrow

A = femoral triangle
B = prepubic tendon
C = vaginal process
D = linea alba
Blue arrow = superficial inguinal ring
Green arrow = inguinal ligaments
White arrow = vascular lacuna
Label A, B

A = rectus abdominis
B = external abdominal oblique
Label the following

Fill in the labels

Fill in the labels

Fill in the labels