PT Basic Terms Flashcards
Process of obtaining a history, performing relevant systems reviews, and selecting and administering specific tests and measures
A dynamic process in which the PT makes clinical judgements based on data gathered during the examination
A process by which data are gathered, hypotheses are formulated, and decisions are made for further action.
Patient history
Complete medical history of the patients chief complaints, present illness, past history, allergies, current medications, lifestyle and habits, social history, vocational and economic history, and family history.
Visual analog pain scale
Line with verbal or pictorial anchors to indicate continuum from no pain to the worst pain. Patient marks line an mark is measured to determine pain level.
Numerical rating scale
0-10 scale
“the art of gymnastics” 500BC
Saw the value of ther-ex to combat effects of inactivity and used electrical stim (fish) 400BC “father of medicine”
Described benefits of exercise, musculoskeletal injuries, and kinetics and physiology of human movements 2nd century AD
First physical therapists
Marguerite Sanderson and Mary McMillan
Polio outbreak of 1916 and world war I 1917 led to
A division of special hospitals and physical reconstruction. Also had legislation to provide “reconstruction therapy” to all disabled vets returning from war
AWPTA >American Physiotherapy Association
Name change occurring to include men
1967 what association got started ?
APTA started in this year
A technically educated health care provider who assists the physical therapist in the provision of physical therapy
PTA definition
General supervision
To be available offsite through telecommunications
Direct supervision
Being on site; physically present at all times
In Arizona, how many support staff may a PT supervise?
3 and one must be a PTA
In Arizona, how many hours must one have in order to be supervised with general supervision?
2000 hours under direct supervision
physical therapist in private practice (clinic)
PT must be physically present at all times that a PTA is performing services
Medicare rule about supervision
Things a PTA cannot do
perform evaluations, develop or change the plan of care, write a discharge summary, perform joint mobilizations/manipulations, perform sharps debridement
Five elements of patient management
examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, intervention
Tells you to do a treatment. see swelling, do RICE
Tells you not to do something. Pacemaker, then do not stim
team made up of the same discipline
multiple disciplines working independently (home health, or outpatient)
multiple disciplines working together to set goals;evaluations/interventions done independently (rehab, or skilled nursing facility)
Physical Therapist Assistant Duties
Perform data collection and interventions similar to PT ( with some exceptions ) Therapeutic exercises therapeutic massage therapeutic modalities patient/caregiver education
Occupational Therapy
- help patients improve in ADL’s
- make orthoses (splints)
- educate on adaptive equipment
- functional, cognitive or perceptual disabilities
- adaption for physically challenged patient
- executive functions (decision making,judgement)
Speech Language Pathologist (SLP)
- assess, diagnose, treat and help prevent speech, language, cognitive, communication, voice, swallowing, fluency, and other related disorders
- augmentative or alternative communication methods
Orthotist and Prosthetist
- bachelors degree plus one year residency
* makes braces and devices for limbs and spine
Osteopathic Doctor (DO)
Doctor that emphasizes musculoskeletal system, preventive medicine, holistic care
Registered Nurses ( MSN, BSN, ADN, Diplopa)
promote health, prevent disease, help patients cope with illness
observe, assess and record symptoms, reactions and progress, assist physicians in surgeries, treatments, and exams, administer med’s, perform invasive procedures and assist in rehab
nurse practicioners diagnose and treat illnesses, prescribe med’s
supervise LPN’s (unlicensed ) CNA’s (certified nurse assistant)
Therapeutic exercise
interventions to increase overall function of the individual
Home exercise program (HEP)
prescribed exercises for patient to perform at home safely without pain, PT/PTA name and clinic number should be on the HEP
Exercise parameters
Frequency, duration, repetitions, sets, intensity, mode
ROM exercises
Moving a joint through the available motion
passive ROM has no muscle contraction by the patient
active ROM has movement performed by the patient
Active assisted ROM has patient move with assistance
tension in the muscle without joint motion, muscle setting and avoid valsalva maneuver
tension in the muscle with muscle shortening OR lengthening
shortening isotonic contraction
lengthening isotonic contraction
muscle shortenting or lengthening at constant velocity
Open kinetic chain
distal end free to move
Closed kinetic chain
distal end fixed
Difference between stretching and ROM
stretching is further than ROM, and ROM is within normal ranges
Contraindications for physical agents and modalities
pregnancy, very young or very old, malignancies, impaired sensation, decreased cognition, and pace maker
Manual therapy techniques
effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapotement, vibration, mobilization, manipulation
long slow strokes towards heart
scar tissue break up, no cream
tapping - loosen up secretions to cough up
slow movements
firm mobilizations/ thrusts
non weight bearing
toe touch weight bearing
partial weight bearing
weight bearing as tolerated
full weight bearing
external device applied to support or stabilize, increase function, correct or prevent progression of deformities, or reduce pressure and pain
substitute for a missing body part, could also be for ears/limbs
Basic ADLs
Dressing, transfer activities. Walking , bed activities
Meal prep, light housework, shopping, driving car