Kin 15 Neck and trunk Flashcards
a small smooth flat surface on a bone
Atlanto- occiptal joint
the articulation between the head and c1 atlas flexion and extension
posterior inferior

occipital protuberance
center of occipital bone

nuchal line
ridge running horizontally along the back of head, from occipital protuberance to the mastoid processes

axial extension
cervical retraction
tuckin chin in involves head flexing on c1, with neck c2-c7 extending
cervical protraction
extending the head on c1 and flexing the neck c2-c7
the number of atlantoaxial joints
bilaterally flexes neck hyperextends head unilaterally laterally bends the neck rotates face to the opposite side
N - accessory nerve, Cranial nerve XI; second and third cervical nerves
scalene muscles
O-Transverse Processes of cervical vertebrae
I-First and Second Ribs
A-Bilaterally assists in neck flexion
Unilaterally neck lateral bending
N-Lower cervical nerves
Prevertebral muscles
O-bodies and transverse processes of c3-c6, atlas and transverse process of atlas
I-from transverse processes and bodies of c1-c6 and occipital bone
A-flex neck, and laterally nend head
(longus colli, longus capitits, rectus capitis anterior, rectus capitis lateralis)

Subocciptal muscles
posteriorly located
A-extension, lateral bending, and rotation to the same side
(obliquus capitits superior, obliquus capitits inferior, rectus captits posterior major/minor)

splenius capitis muscles
O-lower half of nuchal ligament, spinous processes of c7-t3
I-lateral occipital bone; mastoid process
A-bilaterally EXTEND HEAD/NECK
N-middle and lower cervical nerves

splenius cervicis muscles
O-spinous processes of t3 to t6
I-T proc. of c1 through c3
A-Bilat. EXTEND neck
Unilat. ROTATE and LAT BEND neck to same side
N-middle/lower cerv nerves

Rectus abdominis muscles
I-xiphoid process and costal cart of 5, 6, 7 ribs
A-trunk flexion, compression of abs
N-7th -12th intercostal nerves

EX Oblique muscle
O-lower 8 ribs laterally
I-iliac crest; linea alba
A-Bilateral trunk flexion;compression of ab
unilateral lateral bending, rotation to opp side
N-8-12 intercos, iliohypogastric, and ilioinguinal nerves

IN oblique muscles
O-inguinal ligament, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia
I-10, 11, 12 ribs, abdominal aponeurosis
A-Bilat trunk flexion, compression of ab
unilat lateral bending;rotation to same side
N-8-12 inercostals, iliohypogastric, and ilioinguinal nerves