Psychopathy (Non-criminal) Flashcards
Draw the triarchic conceptualization of psychopathy.
Is psychopathy found in children?
If they are, it can’t reliably be measured. Too many developmental factors to account for. Do not diagnose someone with psychopathy under 18 due to these growth/developmental factors. However, psychopathic traits do exist in adolescents, and it is measurable. We just don’t diagnose them.
Gender differences in psychopathy: Females?
- Prevalence <1%
- Higher levels of callousness
- Higher rates of substance abuse
- Less violent and aggressive
- Neurobiologial differences
- Social influences
What does research say about neurophysiological brain waves in psychopaths?
50%+ of psychopaths show slow wave abnormality vs. 10%-15% of general population.
What is the difference between alpha and beta waves?
Alpha Waves - Relaxed, 8-13 cycles per second
Beta Waves - Stimulated, 14-40 cycles per second
What is the maturation retardation hypothesis?
Slow wave activity as reflecting delayed brain maturation.
What is the prefrontal cortex responsible for?
Attention, planning, organization, social control, emotional self-regulation.
What is the difference in prefrontal cortex in psychopaths?
Reductions in prefrontal grey matter volume.
What is the orbitofrontal region specifically related to?
Anticipation of punishment, impulsivity, guilt and empathy.
What can damage of the prefrontal cortex cause?
Pseudopsychopathy or acquired sociopathic personality.
What is the amygdala responsible for?
Emotional learning, reactions, attention to emotional stimuli, empathy.
What is the amygdala a part of?
Limbic system
What is different about the amygdala in psychopaths?
Reduced fear conditioning and reduced startle.
What is different in the sympathetic nervous system in psychopaths?
Slow to respond to stress, or that the parasympathetic nervous system engages more rapidly.
What is hypo emotionality? (suggested by Hare)
Failure to experience the full impact of any kind of emotion.
What are childhood factors for psychopathy?
- Temperament
- Attachment
- Child rearing
- Low fear
How is temperament a childhood factor of psychopathy?
- intense emotional reactions of anger/frustration
How is attachment a childhood factor of psychopathy?
- Impact of inadequate parenting skills
- Abusive environments
- Lack of social support which could result in
impairments in secure attachments to people.
How is child rearing a factor in psychopathy?
- Negative reinforcement patterns around the child
- Parent gives in to non-compliance
- Coercive behaviours of peers/siblings/parents
How is low fear a factor is psychopathy?
- May fail to develop empathic awareness skills
- Deficits in emotional cues may lead to an
impairment in the development of the conscience
What is the inverse relationship related to length of treatment stay for psychopaths?
-0.29. The more/higher the psychopathic characteristics, the less time they spend in treatment.
Why is it hard to treat psychopaths? They are…
- Less motivated
- Give less effort
- Spent less time in treatment
- Confrontation is an issue due to their narcissism
Why is treating psychopaths bad?
- Giving interpersonal skills training. They were
learning to use treatment skills to better take
advantage of people.
What did Olver (2003) find about the treatment of psychopaths?
- 12% failed to complete treatment
- 56% of non-completers met criteria for p.opathy.
- 19% of completes met criteria for psychopathy
- Factor 1 is the strongest predictor of dropout.
- 36% of psychopaths were convicted for a new
sexual offense. - 23% of non-psychopaths convicted for a new
sexual offense.