Property & Economic Crime Flashcards
What is the link between violent, property and economic crimes?
Many of them involve a dehumanization of the victim.
Which crime offers the greatest probability of success with the least amount of risk?
Break & Enter
What circumstances do break and enters most happen? (According to statistics)
- Residential (daytime/weekday)
- Business (night/weekends)
- Summer months
What is the prominent age/sex of offenders for B&E?
< 25 years of age and male.
When are juveniles more likely to commit B&E?
3pm-6pm or after school hours.
Are B&E’s random?
Not normally. The offender uses a number of situational cues to narrow down on targets.
What are occupancy proxies?
Burglar alarms, dogs, neighbours, lights, mail build up.
What are common entry methods for B&E?
Patio door, cut window, force back door via garage.
Over ____ of offenders work with accomplices.
What are the motivations for B&E crimes?
- Monetary gain
- Sense of accomplishment
- Social
What is rational reconstruction?
Look up
What are the three types of burglars based on their modus operandi?
- Feral Threat
- Riddlesmith
- Dominator
What is the feral threat burglar?
Malicious vandalism and senseless destruction and desecration of the property; more common in juvenile offenders.
What is a Riddlesmith burglar?
Any damage caused is a means to the end of demonstrating the intelligence and superiority of the offender.
Ex: Paint taunting clues on the
What is a dominator burglar?
Purposely chooses to break into occupied homes in order to terrorize and dominate the occupants.
Why do people who commit B&E use substances?
Allows for management of anxiety and increases focus.
How does the criminal code describe theft?
“Everyone commits theft who fraudulently and without colour of right.”
What is identity theft?
Misappropriation of another person’s personal identification information and subsequent use of this information to take over existing financial processes.
What would you do with a stolen identity?
- Drain bank accounts
- Opening up new credit cards
- Take out a mortgage or loan
Who are predominantly shoplifters?
What is the invariance hypothesis?
Pattern of decreased recidivism over time. Crime declines with age everywhere and at all times.
What are the five shoplifting types?
- Semi-professional
- Amateur
- Episodic
- Impulse
- Occasional
What is the semi-professional shop lifter?
- 12%
- Theft once a week
- Annual worth of items < $2000
- Denial of inappropriateness of
What is the amateur shop lifter?
- 56%
- Theft of personal items
- Knows its morally wrong
What is the episodic shop lifter?
- 2%
- May be related to mental/
emotional problems that had
a compulsive quality to them.
What is the impulse shop lifter?
- 15%
- Wanted item they can’t afford
- Appropriate affective reaction
- Low recidivism
What is the occasional shop lifter?
- 15%
- Less impulsive and driven by
sensation seeking - Appropriate affective reaction
- Low recidivism
What is robbery?
Taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody or control of a person or by force/violence.
What are the characteristics of bank robbery?
- 2%
- Low risk of encountering
resistance. - High clearance rate
- Amateurs (80%, single, less
sophisticated.) - Professionals (Armed)
What are the characteristics of commercial robbery?
- 15%
- Convenience stores, fast-food
What are the characteristics of street robbery?
- 43%
- Opportunity rather than
planning - Characteristics of carjacking
What are the characteristics of “professional robbers?”
- Control and handling of victims
- Need cash to support impulsive
What are the four typologies of group robberies proposed by porter and alison (2006)?
- Dominance
- Submissive
- Cooperation
- Hostility
** read more in text.