Domestic Violence / Stalking Flashcards
What did the study by Kempe lead to?
In 1962 he conducted a survey of 88 hospitals to find 302 abused children. This lead to calls for child abuse reporting systems.
Where was (and what year) was the first shelter for battered women and children established?
Pasadena, California. 1964.
What does “Family or household member” exactly mean?
- Spouses / Former Spouses
- Persons related by blood or
marriage. - Persons presently residing
together. - Persons who have a child in
What is family/domestic violence? (As described by Wallace & Seymour 2001)
Any assault, intimidation, battery, sexual assault, sexual battery or any criminal offence resulting in personal injury or death of one family or household member by another who is or was residing in the same single-dwelling unit.
What behaviours are included as family violence?
Verbal threats, shouting, slapping, aggressive gestures, intimidation, spanking, punching, stabbing, striking, shooting and burning.
What is corporal punishment?
Physical discipline of a child.
What are other forms of child abuse?
Child neglect, child maltreatment.
What is physical abuse? (of a child)
Characterized by the infliction of physical injury as a result of punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning, shaking or otherwise harming a child.
What is sexual abuse? (of a child)
Includes fondling a child’s genitals, intercourse, incest, rape, sodomy, exhibitionism and commercial exploitation through prostitution or the production of graphic materials.
What is emotional abuse? (of a child)
Includes acts or omissions by the parents or other caregivers that have caused, or could cause, serious behavioural, cognitive, emotional or mental disorders.
What are the three types of neglect?
1) Physical neglect
2) Educational neglect
3) Emotional neglect
What is physical neglect?
Refusal or delay in seeking healthcare, abandonment, expulsion from the home or refusal to allow a runaway to return home and inadequate supervision.
What is educational neglect?
Allowance of chronic truancy, failure to enrol a child of mandatory school age in school, and failure to attend to a special educational need.
What is emotional neglect?
Includes such actions as marked inattention to the child’s needs for affection; psychological care; spouse abuse in the child’s presence; permission of drug or alcohol use by the child.
What are the percentages of forms of child abuse that happen?
Physical Abuse - 20%
Sexual Abuse - 10%
Emotional Abuse - 8%
Neglect - 63%
What are poly-victims?
Four or more incidents of abuse over the course of a year.
What ages of children are the highest rates for child abuse and neglect?
Who is usually the perpetrators of child abuse/ neglect?
3/5 Female caretakers, often neglect
Girls are ____ times more likely to be sexually abused?
___ _____ and _____ _____ occur together in dysfunctional families?
Pet abuse & Child abuse
What is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy?
Parent consistently and chronically bringing the child in for medical attention with symptoms falsified or induced by the parent. 98% Mothers
What is shaken baby syndrome?
Caregiver shakes baby so hard that head injury results.
What is infanticide?
Intentional killing of an infant
Why would a parent engage in munchausen syndrome by proxy?
Parent may want attention or may want to look like a good parent.
What is neonaticide?
Killing of a newborn within the first 24 hours after birth.
What is fillicide?
Killing of a child older than 24 hours.
What is correlated with fillicide? (Mental issues with the parent)
Mood and psychotic disorders.
What are common spousal/ batterer characteristics?
- Have attitudes that see use of force less negatively. - Distort causes/ consequences - Less able to use reasoning - High levels of emotional arousal - Higher anger / hostility - Label hurt, jealousy and fear as anger.
What does over controlled hostility mean?
People with very significant beliefs about expressing anger. People who bottle up emotions & then explode.
What are some etiology factors for batterers?
- Control issues
- Social modeling
- Anger / Stress
- Skill deficits
- Brain / Neuropsychological
- Substance abuse
- Shame / Psychological injury
What are common group treatment targets for batterers?
- “red flags” and self-talk
- communication skills
- empathy training
- relapse prevention
- 100% responsibility rule
- alcohol / drug control
What are the types of group treatment therapies for batterers?
- Sociocultural training
- Cognitive-behavioural
- Process-psychodynamic
- Solution-focused
What is battered women’s syndrome?
Poor self-concept, low self-esteem, depression and helplessness caused by the cycle of chronic physical and psychological abuse.
What are the psychological effects of a child witness to batterers?
- Learned patterns of conflict
management - Negative attitudes towards
expression of feelings - More aggressive behaviour
Based on few prospective studies, numerous reviewers maintain that the majority of abused children _______?
DO NOT continue the cycle of violence of adults.
Proportion of abused children who then go on to abuse their own offspring?
Around 30%
What are the four categories of stalking? (proposed by beatty, 2001)
1) Simple obsession
2) Love obsession
3) Erotomania
4) Vengeance
What is simple obsession? (stalking)
- 60% of stalking behaviour
- Extension of domestic violence
- Power and control after failed
relationship with victim. - Perpetrators have low self estm.
What is love obsession? (stalking)
- Stalker and victim are strangers
or acquaintances - Seek a love relationship
What is erotomania? (stalking)
- Delusional
- Perpetrators have serious
mental disorders - Tagets public figures
- Rare, not violent
What is vengeance stalking?
- No personal relationship with victim - Perceived injustice of violation of their rights - Goal is to elicit a response or behaviour change from victim or punish them. Ex: Like stalking the bank manager who turned them down for a mortgage
What fraction of stalkers are male?
One in ____ of stalkers report use of internet and electronic communications as part of stalking behaviour?
What is deindividuation?
Anonymity leading to reductions in normal constraints and reduced self-awareness and self-regulation.