Psychopathology - treating phobias Flashcards
What are the two types of treating phobias?
Systematic desensitisation and flooding
What is systematic desensitisation?
A behavioural therapy designed to gradually reduce phobic stimulus through classical conditioning
What are the 3 processes of systematic desensitisation?
The anxiety hierarchy, relaxation and exposure
What is the anxiety hierarchy?
A list of situations related to the phobic stimulus that provoked anxiety ranged in order from least to most frightening
What is reciprocal inhibitation?
That it is impossible to be afraid and relaxed at the same time
What happens during the exposure stage?
The patient is exposed to the stimulus from the bottom of the anxiety hierarchy
When is treatment successful?
When the patient can stay relaxed in situations high on the anxiety hierarchy
What does flooding involve?
Immediate exposure to a very frightening situation
When is a learned response extinguished?
When the conditioned stimulus is encountered without the unconditioned stimulus. The result is that the conditioned stimulus no longer produces the conditioned response
What do clients have to give for flooding?
Informed consent due to it being an unpleasant experience
What is one strength of systematic desensitisation?
Evidence of effectiveness
What is the evaluation of systematic desensitisation having evidence for effectiveness?
P: Evidence base for its effectiveness
E: Lisa Gilroy (2003)- followed up 42 people with a spider fear and found that were less fearful treated by relaxation
E: Theresa Wechsler (2019)- SD is effective for specific, social and agora phobia
L: Helpful for people with phobias
What is another strength of systematic desensitisation?
People with learning disabilities
What is the evaluation of systematic desensitisation being useful for people with learning disabilites?
P: Help people with learning disabilites
E: People with learning disabilities struggle with cognitive therapies
E: Feel confused with the traumatic experience of flooding
L: Most appropriate treatment