Psychopathology - explaining phobias Flashcards
What is the behavioural approach to explaining phobias?
The 2 process model
Who proposed the 2 process model?
Mowrer (1960)
What does the 2 process model state?
That phobias are acquired by classical conditioning and then continue because of operant conditioning
What does classical conditioning involve?
Learning to associate something of which we initially have no fear with something that already triggers a fear response
Who conducted the little albert experiment?
Watson and Rayner (1920)
What was the little albert experiment?
When a 9 month old baby was exposed to a white rat whilst a loud bang happened behind him. He later became fearful of the rat
When does operant conditioning take place?
When our behaviour is reinforced or punished
What does Mowrer suggest about operant conditioning?
That whenever we avoid a phobic stimulus we successfully escape fear that we would of experienced if we stayed in that situation
What is one strength of explaining phobias?
Real world application
What is the evaluation of explaining phobias having real world application?
P: exposure therapies
E: Maintained by avoidance of stimulus
E: Ceases to be reinforced by the experience of anxiety reduction
E: When avoidance is prevented the phobia is cured
L: Identifies a mean for identifying phobias
What is one limiation of explaining phobias?
Cognitive aspect of phobias
What is the evaluation of explaining phobias having cognitive aspect of phobias?
P: Doesn’t account for cognitive aspect
E: Explains behaviour
E: People hold irrational beliefs about a phobia
E: Does not offer an adequate explanation for phobic cognitions
L: Doesn’t completely explain the symptoms of phobias
What is another strength of explaining phobias?
Phobias and traumatic experiences
What is the evaluation of explaining phobias being linked to traumatic experiences?
P: link between bad experiences and phobias
E: Ad De Jong (2006) found that 73% of people who have a fear of dentistry has had a previous traumatic experience
E: Little albert and white rats
L: An association between the stimulus and an unconditioned response