Prostate Pathologies Flashcards
What is acute prostatitis typically a complication of?
What are the four parts of the urethra from internal to external?
Where is sperm made?
Seminiferous tubules
What two structures form the ejaculatory duct?
Seminiferous tubules and ductus deferens
What is prostatitis?
Inflammation of the prostate typically from a UTI or reflux of infected urine into the prostate
Prostatitis is treated with ________________?
35 year old male patient presents to your office complaining of painful urination. The patient also reports low back pain and pain in the area around the groin. The patient has a fever of 101.1 and is cold and clammy. CBC shows 14000 WBC and 80% neutrophils. A biopsy of the prostate is performed and inflammatory infiltrate of neutrophils and macrophages is seen in prostatic acini and stroma. What is the likely diagnosis?
Acute prostatitis
What is the normal epithelium of the prostate?
Simple cuboidal
49 year old male patient presents to your office complaining of painful urination around the opening of the penis. He reports that this problem has been going on for months and that he is frequently experiencing low back pain and frequent urination at night. PSA tests show a PSA of 2.5. Urinalysis is positive for escheria coli. Biopsy of the prostate shows high amounts of lymphocytes and plasma cells. What is the likely diagnosis?
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
What is non-bacterial prostatitis?
A diagnosis of exclusion in men over 50 with no identifiable cause
What is the most common form of inflammation in prostatic biopsies?
Non-bacterial prostatitis
What is benign prostatic hyperplasia also called?
Nodular prostatic hyperplasia
What enzyme converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT)?
5 alpha reductase
What hormone is primarily responsible for growing the prostate?
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
What part of the prostate is most affected by DHT?
Periurethral zone