What is promotion
Promotion: The part of the marketing mix that involves communicating with potential customers, in order to persuade them to purchase.
What is promotion apart of
The promotional mix is apart of the marketing mix (the 7 P’s)
What is the promotion mix
Promotional Mix: The combination of activities that a business undertakes in order to communicate to potential customers.
What are the 4 functions of promotion
Desire - Desire for them to purchase the purchase the product or service
Action - Buy the product
(This can be referred to as AIDA)
What is the most important element in AIDA
The most important element is the Action (as that is the sale)
What is above the line promotion
Above the line promotion: Promotion where an organisation will pay an outside organisation to do for them. - This could be advertising agencies that can create TV, radio adverts, billboard campaigns, and papers.
What is below the sign promotion
Activities that the firm carries out themselves to advertise:
Public relations
Direct selling
Sale promotions
Leaflets / fliers
E marketing
What is advertising
It’s a way of using different forms of media to tell people about something they might want to buy.
What is media
Media refers to the primary ways we communicate with a large audience, including TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet.
What is public relations (PR)
A promotional method that involves communicating with the media to gain publicity:
For example: You open a new store, and you inform multiple media companies about the opening, so that the media companies can promote your business, but they can also get their views up because they’ll be talking about something. - It’s a win win.
What are examples of PR
Opening events -
Launch nights - If a new Lamborghini is launched, then there might be a launch night that the media companies will film, even YouTubers.
Press conference - When a fight is announced (when Tyson fury does a fight, they do a press conference to advertise the fight)
What is direct selling
Direct Selling:
A promotional method that uses an individualised approach to gaining sales. - That could be cold outbound, or warm outbound.
Calling people
Asking them questions in the high street
Direct emails
What is merchandising
A promotional method that involves presenting products at the point of sale to generate interest. - This could be promoting a new chocolate bar at the tills in a supermarket (because this is where people come to complete their purchase, and if the chocolate bar is advertised well, and looks appetising, then that might lead to a sale)
What are E-marketing
A promotional method that involves using websites or emails to generate sales.
What are Internal factors that influence the promotional mix:
Brand image:
Nature of the product
Stage of the product life cycle
Marketing Mix
What are External influences on the promotional mix:
Competition: Businesses in highly competitive markets may spend more on promotion.
Legislation: The advertising standards authority (ASA) regulates advertising. - They can restrict what your adverts say.
Target Market: Different groups of consumers will respond to different methods of promotion.