Prologue Flashcards


(After Amazing Grace)


It’s been a year since I died and still nobody has found me. The wonderful thing about being dead is the exoneration. Right up until the end, I believed that all the things he told me were true, that I was full of sin, I seduced him, and I would go to hell. For a few months I actually believed I was going mad. But the moment he bashed my brains out I was happy. For in my last moment of clarity I knew I had been tricked, and confused.
They do not know yet that I am dead, and I like that. I am not a murder victim, I am just a woman who has left the village. When they find my body, and see what he did to me, the last days of my life will be picked over like carrion, and I will belong to the world for comment. But now, here, I can tell you who I really was. Before.

How well did you know this?
Not at all