Production diseases: Rumen health Flashcards
Does high starch or high fibre generate more VFA production
High starch
Outline physiological cause of rumen diseases- Lactic acidosis spiral
- Rapid ingestion of starch lowers pH 2. If pH drops for too long, Streptococcus bovis takes over
- Lactic acid produced by strep
- pH of 4.5 lactobacillus grows and more lactic acid
- Death
What are the 2 syndromes of Ruminal acidosis
- Acute Ruminal acidosis
- Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA)
What is metabolic alkalosis due to hydrochloric acid sequestation
the HCl normally found in the stomach is not reabsorbed into the bloodstream but is instead trapped or “sequestered” elsewhere resulting in an elevated blood pH
What is the most common cause of acute rumen acidosis
Grain overload
C/S of Acute Ruminal Acidosis
What is the treatment for severe ARA
Correct ruminal and metabolic acidosis and dehydration IV sodium bicarbonate
Encourage feeding on forage
Rumen function stimulants
Emergency Slaughter
What is the surgery name that is a treatment for severe ARA
Why could you see a cow coughing up blood as a consequence of ARA
- Ruminitis that causes liver abscess
- Travel in blood stream and causes absecess in lungs
- Abseccess in lungs burst cause coughing of blood
Why does subclinical ARA (SARA) happen
Feeding of diets of high energy density and low fibre content
Economical important in high yielding dairy cattle and intensive fattening operations
Consequences of SARA
Decreased feed intake
Loss of body condition (mainly in early lactation)
Increase lameness (laminitis/white line disease)
Diarrhoea/soft faeces containing undigested material
Milk fat depression (fermentation changes, decreased ratio acetate/propionate)
High culling rate
Increased mastitis
Is SARA diagnosed at individual level or herd level
Herd Level
What is normal pH of rumen
T/F High butterfat levels can indicate ruminal acidosis
False! LOW butterfat levels
What is the dangerous level of pH in rumen
How to record rumen pH
Ruminocentesis- Not accurate
Rumen bolus- equipment that records conditions of rumen for 180 days
How many percent of cows should be ruminating