Problem 9 Flashcards
What is orisocial behaviour?
Acts that are positively valued by society (contrast with anti social behaviour)
What is helping behavior?
Acts that intentionally benefit someone else
Helping can be antisocial, over helping when giving help is designed to make others look inferior
What is altruism?
A special form of helping behavior selfless help to another person
Four motives for helping others (controls prisocial behavior)
Egoism prosocial acts benefit ones self
Altruism prosocial acts contribute to the welfare of others
Collectivism prosocial acts contribute to the welfare of a social group
Priciplism prosocial acts follow a moral principle
What is evolutionary social psychology?
Extension of evolutionary psychology that views social behavior as adaptive Helio g the individual Kin and the specials as a whole to survive
What are the two reasons to help according to evolutionary social psychology
Mutualism (reciprocal altruism): coooerative behavior benefits the cooperative as well as others (I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine)
Kin selection : bias towards blood relatives propagate in our genes. Lack of direct benefit to the cooperator indicates Altruism
What is empathy?
Feel another persons experiences
What is the bystander calculus model
Bystander calculates the perceived costs and benefits = social exchange
By stander calculus model 3 steps
1 physical arousal greater the arousal more likely he will act
2 labelling the arousal we feel distressed like the victim more similar more likely he will act
3 evaluating the consequences the greater the cost the less likely
Empathy costs of not not helping?
We feel bad (Eg blame)
Empathic concern?
You could go but you identify and stay
How do we learn to be helpful?
Giving instructions: telling children to be helpful to others works
Using reinforcement : acts that are rewarded are more likely to be repeated
Modelling: reproduce the actions attitudes and emotional responses exhibited by a model
What is social learning theory?
Human social behaviour is not innate but learnt from appropriate models
Learning by vicarious experience?
Acquiring a behaviour after seeing that another person got a reward for it
What is the belief in a just world? What
Learnt view that everyone deserves what they get