Problem 7 Flashcards
What is a group?
Two or more people share a common definition of themselves. And behave so, interdependent
Individualist says: people behave the same in groups or not in groups
Collectivist says: behavior only occurs in groups
Bound of groups :
Entitativity: High entitativity = boundaries and well structured group(PBL group)
Common bound group:
Based on attachment to members (focus on personal goals) more woman
Common identity group:Based in attachment to group identity (focus on group goals) more men
What is social facilitation?
Mere presence of members of the same species = improvement in performance =passive audience that is only physically present
Opposite can happen social inhibition
What are audience effects?
Impact on individual task performance of the presence of others
What are drive explanations?
Explanations that causes us to act
What is the evaluation apprehension model?
Drive is caused because people have learnt to be worried about being evaluated
What is the drive theory?
How we change innoresence of others
What is the distraction conflict theory?
Reason for drive is that other peopke are a distraction = conflict paying attention to task or people
Two self explanations?
Self awareness theory
Self discrepancy theory
What is the self awareness theory?
We make comparison from us to others and therefore social facilitation
Self discrepancy theory?
Try to match the ideal self = best performance
What are attentional consequences?
Only limited attention possible, many people =focus on task with no distraction
Interactive groups classification of group tasks
Task taxonomy = groupbtasks can be classified
Is division of labour possible?
predetermined standard to be met?
How an individuals input can contribute?
Process loss = range if possible infkuence among the group = bad performance
Coordination loss=problems in coordinating behaviour
Motivation loss
What is the ringelman effect?
Individual performance worsen in groups
What is social loafing?
Reduction of effort if people in a group (others loaf others watch)
What are free riders?
Exploit group product and don’t do anything
What is social compensation?
Others loaf so we work harder cause we can
What is cohesiveness,
Attractive group shared goals interdependence
Why do I like a group and we stick together?
Personal attraction = I like Hanne
Social attraction= I like Hanne because she is in my sports team
What is group socialization?
How do groups form?
How groups change?
How do groups form?
Forming Storming =working through disagreements Norming = find same page Performing Adjourning =end of group goal achieved
How do groups change?
- Evaluation (people evaluate group and other way around) something wrong= change and improvement
- Commitment (do I do more for the group or the group for me )
- Role transition (I was a full member and drop out)
What is the frame of reference?
Attitudes and behaviour that are acceptable
What is ethnomethodology?
Violation of norms detects them(people get angry and you know there was a norm)
What is a schism?
Division of a group because subgroups are too different
What are subjective group dynamics?
Marginal out group = positive
Marginal in group = negative not a real number
Why do we join groups?
Uncertain identity theory- identity/reduce self uncertainty
Terror management theory people join groups in order to reduce the fear of death
What is social ostracism?
Exclusion from a group by common consent
Being excluded or ostracized by a group is aversive and can lead to extreme reactions