Problem 7 Chapter 9 Flashcards
Leadership basic info
- Requires getting group members to achieve groups goals
- Does not require coercion = coercion may undermine true leadership
- can be good/ bad and effects be/ineffective
What makes a good leader?
Great person theory = we attribute great things to salient leader (Napoleon did revolution)
Big five
What is the big five?
Major personality dimensions for leaders :
2.agreeableness(=outgoing/capacity of enthusiasm)
3conscientiousness (=self control, accuracy,determination )
4.emotionak stability
5.intellect/openness to experiences
Ways of leading
Autocratic=giving orders to others
Democratic= Discussing decisions
Laissez-Laur =just watch and help sometimes
What is the leader behaviour description questionnaire (scale to measure leadership)?
Initiating structure = task specialist focus on task
Consideration dimensions = socio emotional specialist focus on people’s feelings
What are contingency theories?
(Different situations different leadership effective)
Contingency theory Fiedler
Normative decision theory
Path goal theory
What is the contingency theory Fiedler?
(Focus on leader not group)
A: Relationship orientated leader
B:Task oriented leader
What is normative decision theory?
Three strategies for each leader
A: I decide autocratic
B:you help me consultative
C: we decide group decision
What is the path goal theory?
Leader shows way to reach goal he structures and considerates (emotional support)
What is a transactional leadership?
Economic transaction between leader and follower
What is an idiosyncrasy?
If you are a good leader you are allowed to do things your way
What is the leader member exchange theory?(LMX)
Effective leadership? high LMX(relationships with followers)
What does charisma lead to?
Leads to effective leadership-good or bad distinction
Results of effective leadership - people think: archives goals so he must be good
What are the leader schemas
Leader categorization theory
Status characteristic theory
What is the leader categorization theory
Schema of what a leader should be like > is he? Then we like him