Problem 5 Agression Flashcards
What is aggression?
The intent to harm
What is the nurture-nurture controversy?
Does genetics or social factors determine our behavior?
Biological and social explanations for behavior
Is violence a part of human nature?
Biological explanations
What is the instinct:innate fmdrive or impulse genetically transmitted?
- Goak directed
- Beneficial for the individual
- Adapted to a normal environment
- Shared by most members of the species
- Develops as the individual matures
- Unlearned in the basis of individual experiences
What is the osychodynamic theory?
Aggression builds up naturally and has to be released
Who are the Neo freudians?
Psychoanalytic theorists who modified the original theories of Freud (more rational)
After release we feel a depletion if energy that makes us more prone to do it again
What is ethnology?
Animal behaviour should be estudies in the species natural physical and social environment
Aggression is determined and controlled by natural selection(extension of Darwin’s theory)
What are releasers?
Specific stimuli in the environment thought by ethnologists to trigger daggers Ive responses
What is the fight instinct?
Innate impulse to aggress which ethnologists claim in shared by humans with other animals
What is evolutional social psychology?
Evolutionary psychology that views social behaviour as adaptive, helping the individual kind and species as a whole to survive
Derived form Darwinian theory : specific behaviour has evolved because it promotes the survival
Social and bio social explanations
Not enough as external factors (income, social situation) also play a role
What is the frustration aggression hypithesis?
Frustration leads to aggression and vice versa
What is the excitation transfer,
Learnt aggressive behavior
Arousal or excitation from another source
Arousal interpretation > aggressive behavior is appropriate
I dropped something so I scream at someone else
What is hate crime ?
What is the social learning theory?
Human social behavior is not innate but learnt from appropriate models
Learning by direct experience
Learning by vicarious
Factors that makes a person aggressive in a particular situation
How do we learn aggression through direct experience?
Behavior is maintained by rewards and punishments actually experience by a child
How I we learn aggression vicariously ?
Acquiring behavior occurs through the process of modelling and imitation of other people
E.g (children can learn aggression by playing video games in which heroic characters are reinforced for aggression)
What are some factors that make a person aggressive in a particular situation?
- A persons previous experiences of others aggressive behaviour m
- How successful aggressive behavior has been in the past
- The current likelihood that an aggressive will be either rewarded or punished
- The complex array of cognitive, social and environmental factors in the situation
What is modelling?
Tendency for a person to reproduce the actions, attitudes and emotional responses exhibited by a real life or symbolic model
What is a script and how does it influence aggression
Schema about an event
How does personality relate to aggression?
The tendency to aggress develops quite early in life and becomes a stable behavior pattern
What is the type “A” personality “coronary prone”
Type A people are over rice and excessively competitive in their encounters with others may be more aggressive to people that compete with them. These people are associated with susceptibility to corninary heart diseases. Type A people prefer to work alone