Problem 3 Chapter 11 Flashcards
What is intergroup Behaviour?
Behavior among individuals that is regulated by those individual’s awareness of and identification with different social group
What is a metaheory?
Set of interrelated concepts and principles concerning which theories or type of theory are appropriate—> theory of how a theory works
What is relative deprivation?
Seem of having less than we are entitled to have
—> arises from comparisons between our experiences and our expectations
What are the two types of relative deprivations
Egoistic relative deprivation
Fraternalistic relative deprivation
What is the egoistic relative deprivation?
Individuals sense of deprivation relative to other similar individuals (personally feeling having a less that we are entitled to)
What is fraternalistic relative deprivation?
Comparisons with dissimilar others )(our group has less than it is entitled to have
What is a J curve?
Is a graphical figure that captures the way I. Which relative deprivation arises when attainments suddenly fall short of rising expectations
->how people construct their future expectations from last and current attainment
What is a protest?
For a social food or against a social I’ll -> involves the clash of ideas and ideologies between groups
What are superordinate goals?
Goals that both groups desire but that can only be achieved by both groups cooperating
What is a realistic conflict theory?
Theory of inter group conflict that explains inter group Behaviour in terms of nature or goal relations between groups
—> individuals who share goals requiring interdependence for their achievement tend to cooperate and form a group
—> individuals who have mutually exclusive goals engage in inter individual competition
What is game theory,
A social dilemma that addresses prisoners dilemma, trucking game and commons dilema
What is the minimal group paradigm?
Experimental methodology to investigate the effect of social categorization alone in Behaviour
-> study of how quickly and easy you can form a group
What is a group mind?
What happens when people are in large groups (become primitive m, loss of personality , mindless ,loss of responsibility).
What is a social identity theory?
Theory of group membership and intergroup relations based on self categorization, social comparison and the construction of a shared self definition in terms of ingroup defining properties
Schema of social identity theory
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