Problem 1 Social Cogninition( Super Summary) Flashcards
What is a social cognition?
Cognitive processes and structures that influence and are influenced by social Behaviour.
Thinking about other people’s feelings
More in social cognition?
- Interpreting other peoples communicative signals
- Not unique to humans
What is an attribution?
Process of assigning a cause to our own Behaviour and that of others. How we make sense of our (social) world and other people’s actions.
Why does this person behave like he/she does?
What are the two types of attributions?
Internal/dispositional attributions: Behaviour is determined by people’s personality
External/situational attributions: Behaviour is determined by the situation
(E.g: I greet my neighbor in the street and she doesn’t greet me back : is she rude? Did she forget her glasses?
What is a cognitive short cut?
People use the least complex demanding cognitions, this causes error and biases
Some cognitive short cuts?
- Schemas
- Biases
- Heuristics
—> help to navigate the overwhelming amount of social info in our environments
What is the configurar model?
Model of impression formation, in which central traits play a disproportionate role in configuring the final impression
Central traits va peripheral
What are two types of biases?
Biases forming impressions:
—> Primacy: First info is more important or either people pay more attention to it
—> Recency: Later information has more impact than earlier information
—>Positive Impression:When there is no info available
—>Negative Impression: we give more negative than positive impressions
Stereotypes: Shared and simplified evaluative image of a social group and its members
What is a schema?
Cognitive structure that represent knowledge about a concept or type of stimulus.
Allows quickly make sense of something with prior knowledge
What are different types of schemas?
- Script: schema about an event, makes an event meaningful
- Person schema: about a known person (eg friend)
Role schema: relative to job (Eg pilot)
Self schema: Info about our self (identity)
Content free schema: limited number of rules for processing information
What is a prototype?
Typical/ideal defining features of a category
What are fuzzy sets?
Categories are fuzzy sets of features organized around a prototype
What are exemplars?
Specific instances of a member of a category (eg: America’s=Barack Obama’s)
What are associative networks?
Model of memory in which ideas are connected by associative links along which cognitive activation can spread
What is the social identity theory?
Theory of group membership and inter group relations based on self categorization, social comparison and the construction of a shared self definition in terms of ingroup defining properties