Problem 3: Prejudice And Discrimination chapter 10 Flashcards
What is minority influence?
Social influence whereby numerical or power minorities change the attitudes of the majority
What is the conformity bias?
Tendency for social psychology to treat group influence as one way process in which individuals or minorities always conform to majorities
What is conformity
Majority influence I w high the majority persuades the minority’s
What is normalization?
Mutual compromise leading to convergence
What is innovation ?
A minority’s creates and accentuates conflict in order to persuade the majority to take the minority viewpoint
What is prejudice?
Unfavorable attitude towards a social group and its members (lines to feelings)= prejudgment
What is dehumanization
Stripping people of their dignity and humanity (people are seen as a thing,eg slavery
What is a genocide?
The ultimate expression of prejudice by exterminating an entire social group(the holocaust)
What is an stereotype
Overgeneralization, simplified evaluation and categorization
What is discrimination,
Behaviour, unfavorable towards someone or a group
What is the Implicit association test?(IAT)
Measure within social psychology designed to detect the strength of a persons automatic association between mental representations of objects (concepts) in memory
What is the three component model?
1cognitive : beliefs about the attitude object
2 affective: strong feelings (usually negative) about the attitude object and the qualities it is believed to process
3 conative: intentions to behave in certain ways towards the attitude object
What are the targets of prejudice?
Sex role
Physical and mental handicap
What is sexism?
Prejudice and discrimination against people based kn their gender
Most men and women belief that men are conpentent and women are warm
( the two most fundamental dimensions for our perceptions of other people according to the stereotype content model)
Female stereotypical traits are significantly less valued than male stereotypical traits
What is a sex role?
Behaviour considered sex-stereotypically appropriate
What is gender? And the three effects relating to it
Sex stereotypical attributes of a person
Glass ceiling
Glass cliff
What is a glass ceiling?
An invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from attaining top leadership positions
What is glas cliff?
A tendency for women rather than men to be appointed to precarious leadership positions associated with a high probability of failure and criticism
What is face-ism?
Media depiction that gives greater prominence to the head and less prominence to the body for men but the inverse for women
What is racism?
Prejudice and discrimination against people based on their ethnicity and race
What is ageism?
Prejudice and discrimination against people based on their age
How to detect racism?
1) social distance: how close psychologically people are willing to get one another
2) Implicit association test (IAT)
—> a long history of prejudice can not be shrugged off so easily
Types of Behaviour underlying prejudice?
- Reluctance to help:
- Tokenism:
- Reverse discrimination:
What does reluctance to help consist of?
Passively or actively failing to assist groups efforts to make sure they remain disadvantaged
What is tokenism?
Small or positive act that lead to justification for deceiving to engage in more positive acts
What is reverse discrimination?
Publicly being prejudiced in favor of a minority’s group in order to deflect accusations of prejudice and discrimination against that group @not seem prejudiced”
What are some consequences of prejudice?
Social stigma
Stereotype threat
Stereotype lift
What is social stigma?
Group attributes that mediate a negative evaluation of people belonging to the group
Stigmatized individuals are part of stigmatized groups and are therefore discriminated
Different types of stigmas,
Visible stigmas race obesity
Cancelable stigmas homosexuality ideologies
Controllable stigmas smoking or homosexuality
Incontrollable stigma race sex illness
Self esteem related to social stigma?
Self esteem is the feeling about and evaluations of one self
Stigmatized groups tend to internalize evaluations and form an unfavorable self image that can be manifested in a low self esteem
What is the stereotype threat?
Feeling that we will be judged and treated in terms of negative stereotypes of our group (eg I’m blind I might be perceived as dumb)
What is a stereotype lift?
Good stereotypes give positive self image
What are some failures and disadvantages of prejudice?
Victims of prejudice are denied access to resources that society makes available for people to succeed
Victims become chronically un-motivated
What is attributional ambiguity?
Attribution processes that impact stigmatized people (eg did I get the job because I’m beautiful)
Leads to suspicion and mistrust in relationships
What is the self fulfilling prophecy?
Expectations and assumptions about a person that influence our interaction with that person and eventually change their behavior in line with our expectations (eg: manager expects the employee to be hard working this will influence the hard worker and make him work harder tell a kid he’s intelligent he’ll act as intelligent)
Different explanations of prejudice and discrimination?
Mere exposure effect
Frustration agreesion hypothesis
Space goat
Authoritarian personality
Social dominance theory
System identification theory
Belief congruence theory
What is the mere exposure effect?
Repeated exposure to an object results in greater attraction to that object
What is the frustration aggression hypothesis
All frustration leads to aggression all aggression comes from frustration
What is an spacegoat?
Individual or group that becomes the target for anger and frustration caused by a different individual or group
To prevent or inhibit frustration it is displaced on to an alternative target
What is displacement m?
The transfer of negative feelings in to an individual or group other that that which originally caused the negative feelings
What is an authoritarian personality?
Personality syndrome that originated in childhood that predispose individuals to be prejudiced
(Eg: someone sensitive to ranks would respect high rank led people but disrespect low ranked people
What is ethnocentrism?
The evaluative preference for all aspects of our group relative to other groups
What is dogmatism?
Cognitive style that is rigid and intolerant and predisposed people to be prejudiced ( eg my opinion is the righ one = intolerance)
What is the social dominance theory?
Theory that attributes prejudice to an individuals acceptance of an ideology that legitimizes ingroup serving hierarchy and domination l, rejects egalitarian ideology
- > people that believe in the myth of hierarchy will have a high social dominance orientation
- > high social dominance orientation leads to authoritarian personality
What is the system identification theory?
Theory that attributes social status to people’s adherence to an ideology that justifies and protects the status quo
What is the belief congruence theory?
Theory that similar beliefs promote liking and social harmony among people while dissimilar beliefs produce dislike and prejudice