Principles and Techniques of Instrument Processing and Sterilization Flashcards
The classification of categories that should be heat sterilized are
- All Critical
- Semi-Critical
The process that kills all microorganisms, including endospores.
When processing instruments a dental assistant must always use
- Utility gloves
- Mask
- Eyewear
- Protective clothing
A dental assistant must be aware that exposure to microorganisms can occur through contact with contaminated instruments through:
Percutaneous (needle sticks or cuts)
-Contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, or mouth
Ideally should be dedicated to equipment and supplies necessary to processing
processing Area
The processing of instruments should proceed in a single loop- from
-To clean
-To sterile
-To Storage
Without ever “doubling back”
The purpose of holding solution is for
instruments that cannot be cleaned immediately to prevent the drying of blood and debris on the instruments.
Least Desirable method of Precleaning is
Holding solution and ultrasonic solution units should
- have lids
- Labeled with chemical bio-hazard labels; because both contain chemicals and contaminated instruments
The unit should be disinfected at least once a day; more often if it becomes visible cloudy
Ultrasonic cleaner
it is important to rinse instruments that have been through the cleaning cycle in the ultrasonic cleaner thoroughly with water before
bagging them for sterilizer
Why are instruments bagged before sterilization?
To protect them from contamination after they are sterilized and to allow them to be packaged in setups by a procedure
Is method fro sterilizing unwrapped patient care items for immediate use and should be used only under certain conditions
Flash Sterilization
What are the three forms of sterilization monitoring
Biologic monitoring
Processes indicator determine but do not guarantee sterilization
Package has been processed
- Package has been exposed to a certain temperature
- it will change color when a package has been exposed to correct temperature
Is the best way to determine whether sterilization has occurred.
Biological Monitoring (AKA Spore testing)
The most common methods of heat sterilization used in the dental office are:
Steam sterilization
- Chemical vapor sterilization
- Dry heat sterilization
Autoclaves are set by the manufacturer to reach the maximum steam temperature of approximately _____ degrees Fahrenheit with pressures of _______ pounds per square inch.
15 to 30
The autoclave cycle includes
Advantage of using chemical vapor sterilization includes
Short cycle time required
- Availability of dry instruments after the cycle
- The process does not rust, dull, or corrode dry mental instruments
Instruments must be cleaned and absolutely dry before being wrapped for ____________; otherwise, the instruments will rust during the sterilization process.
Chemical Vapor sterilization
Require the highest temperature, approximately 320 to 375 degrees Fahrenheit
Dry-Heat sterilizer
Glutaraldehyde, a chemical liquid sterilant, that requires a _______ contact time for sterilization to occur.
10 hour
Several factors can cause the sterilization process to fail which are
- Improper instrument cleaning
- Packaging
- Sterilizer malfunction
Recommended sterilization for a hand-piece is
Steam or chemical vapor sterilization because the handpiece sterilization temperatures should not exceed 275F
Clean dirty instruments using sound waves, which causes
Cavitation and implosion