Preventive Dentistry Flashcards
The goal of preventive dentistry is
to help people have maximum oral health
- To help patients understand what causes dental disease and how to achieve and maintain oral health
- Educate
Components or preventive dentistry program includes the use of
Dental sealants
Plaque control program
proper nutrition
A successful preventive dentistry program is a partnership between
The patient and the dental healthcare team
Has been the primary weapon used to combat dental caries since the 1950s
Sources of fluoride therapy can be received by patients in various ways including
Prescription-strength fluorides applied in the dental office
- Over-the-counter products (such as toothpaste) used at home
- Fluoridated drinking water
Supplements for children ages 6 months to 16 years are available as
A patient’s main source of topical fluride comes from
Fluoridated toothpaste
Fluride that is ingested in water, food, beverages or by taking supplements
Systemic fluoride
The major effect of water fluoridation have been proved to be
Aids the dentist in individualizing and more accurately determining the correct fluoride therapy for the patient
A fluoride needs assesment
A food that is capable of causing dental caries is known as
Can affect children under 6 with developing teeth that receive chronic over exposure to fluoride
The first step in a dietary analysis involves the patient keeping a food diary for
1 week
The first step in a patient education program is to
Listen carefully
the patient should be instructed to
floss before brushing
Dentist usually recommend toothbrushes with
soft bristle
the method frequently recommended is the modified
bass technique
a patient who brushes his or her teeth to vigorously or scrubs with the toothbrush may cause
Abrasion of the tooth surface
- Gingival recession
- exposure of the root surface
An oral irrigation device may be used to
reduce bacterial levels in the subgingival area of the mouth.