Principals of Pigments Flashcards
A coloring matter which can be applied to an object.
Used to duplicate the colors of the spectrum.
- Mixtures of these colors will produce intermediary hues not seen in the spectrum.
- Range
- Change
- Impurities
- Untable
- Absorption of light-rays through admixture
Imperfections of Pigments
- Fewer in number than of the colors in nature.
- Colors of certain objects cannot always be duplicated: stones, natural wood, skin.
- Pigments will ____ with light and chemicals.
- Example: Sunlight, air, exhaust, sulphur
Many pigments are not pure colors.
- Example: Pigments may contain so much red that the other colors present are not identifiable until after the mixture.
Colors may vary from purchase to purchase.
- Examples: paint, wallpaper, tile
- Opposite of light
- Pigments absorb light rays when mixed
- Result in gray or black
Absorption of Light-Rays Through Admixture
- Hue
- Value
- Intensity
Measurements (Dimensions) of Color
- Name of a chromatic color
- Qualifies it as to its warmth or coolness
The lightness or darkness of the color
The pureness or dullness (grayness) of a color.
- Primary
- Secondary
- Standard
- Intermediate
- Tertiary
- Neutral
Class of Hues
Three hues which can be combined to make all other hues.
- Red
- Yellow
- Blue
Primary Hues
The illustrative symbol when drawing primary hues on a color wheel:
An equal mixture of two primary hues.
- Orange
- Green
- Purple
Secondary Hues
Illustrative symbol of secondary hues when drawing them on the color wheel:
Inverted Triangle
It is the primary and secondary hues.
- “Standard color wheel”
- Red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple.
Standard Pigmentary Hues
Mixture of a primary and adjacent secondary hue.
- Appearance of each mixture: Midway between the primary and secondary hue.
Illustration of intermediate mixtures on the color wheel:
Use the Primary Color First in Identifying
An unequal mixture of opposite (complimentary) hues.
- Results in brown and slates
- Grayed hues (called tones)
Grayed hues
- Names of colors: White, black, gray.
- Decorative netural colors- Metallic colors of silver and gold.
Neutral (Achromatic)
The amount of hues on the color wheel.
- When seen together- present the most vivid contrast.
- When mixed equally- cancel each other out.
Compliments (Opposites)
- Water- Blue
- Grass- Green
- Fire- Orange
- Sun- Yellow
Association From Nature (Warm and cool hues)