Non-Wax Treatments (Part 2) Flashcards
Embalm the limb separtely.
Severed Arm or Leg
Permanently ligate all leaking vessels.
After Embalming- Severed Arm or Leg
This may also be required.
Hypodermic injection of the limb (severed arm or leg)
__________ through the ends of the bones to be connected.
- Strong, flexible wire is threaded through the holes and twisted tightly.
Drill Holes (severed arm or leg)
Suture the _______ together.
- Apply incision sealer (powder) or hardening compound to the area.
- Suture the _____.
Muscles, Skin (severed arm or leg)
Apply a _____ __ ____ bandage.
- Wrap sheet plastic around the bandage.
Plaster of Paris (Severed arm or leg)
- Drill holes through the bones and stretch lengths of wire between the two parts.
- Establish the bend of the elbow and wrist.
- Starting with the wrist, wrap a plaster of paris bandage around the wires up to the upper arm.
- Cotton wadding is used.
- Complete by covering the arm.
Missing Forearm- When the hand is in good condition
Bends at the crest of the ilium.
Turn to the postion it is to be postured in.
To achieve the full contour of the arm.
Cotton wadding is used
- Male- long sleeve shirt.
- Female- When long sleeves are not available, use:
- Netting
- Material removed from the back of the dress.
Complete by covering the arm
Treat this similarly to the missing arm.
Missing leg- If the Foot is in Good Condition
- The correct length of wire is very important
- To hold the foot in position it may be necessary to tie the restored leg to the natural leg.
If a full couch casket is used- Missing Leg
Make a plaster cast of a similar sized hand including 2” to 3” of the wrist.
Missing Hand
- Insert a piece of doubled wire into the wrist so it will extend about half an inch.
- Treat the restoration in a similar manner to that of a missing forearm.
Missing Hand- Attaching the Plaster Casted Hand
Position the artificial hand _____ the good hand.
You can use a glove filled with cotton and pin it inside of the sleeve.
In an Emergency
Caused by:
- Arthritis
- Third Degree Burns
Limbs, Twisted or Bent
Difficulty in casketing.
Problem Created With Twisted or Bent Limbs
Straighten the arms and legs as much as possible. Strapping may be helpful.
Before Embalming- Twisted or Bent Limbs
- Cut tendons and straighten the limb.
- Pack the area with incision sealer/hardening compound and bandage it.
- A wooden splint may be used
- Alteration of the casket bedding may be necessary.
After Embalming (If Necessary)- Twisted or Bent Limbs
Affix it to the leg by wrapping it with either:
- Gauze
- Surgical Tape
A wooden splint may be used - Twisted or Bent Limbs
Cancer on one cheek.
Possible Cause of a Misaligned Lower Jaw
Lower jaw is drawn to the opposite side.
Problem created- Misaligned lower jaw
Treatment for this is done before embalming.
Misaligned Lower Jaw
- Return the mandible to its normal position.
- Drill a hole through the:
- Maxilla
- Mandible
- Pliable wire is threaded through the holes and tightly twisted
Treatment for a Misaligned Lower Jaw
On the damaged side.
Hole Drilled- Maxilla
On the healthy side.
Hole Drilled- Mandible
Alternate method for drilling holes and threading a wire.
Needle Injector
Perform the same process in the opposite direction.
For a Stronger Connection - Misaligned Lower Jaw
You may use the mandibular suture or the needle injector.
To close the mouth and hold the lower jaw in position
Some oporators make a bow with the suture or tuck the ends of the wires to permit corrections later.
In the Mandibular Suture
This may make it unnecessary to refasten the mouth.
If the jaw is lowered after embalming has fixed the tissues.
- Flat pieces of cotton may be used as padding.
- The anterior cheek may be filled out using a cylinder of cotton placed internally, high against the cheekbone.
If the Mouth Lacks Projection After Embalming
- Injection of mortuary putty behind the lips.
- Hypodermic tissue building
Optional Methods - If the mouth lacks projection after embalming
Will correct lips that are drawn apart by a post embalming correction.
Cementing the Lips
Done to give a pleasant appearance.
Expression Changes After Embalming
To recede the lateral ends of the lower lip.
Resetting the Lips
- Press inward and upward against the lateral ends
- Use cement to hold this position
Resetting the lips
Occurs when smiling.
Project the Smile Eminence
Beside each wing of the nose.
Location - Project the smile eminence
Tissue builder - enter the needle within each nostril.
Method Used- Project The Smile Eminence
- Use lip cosmetics to widen the lower mucous membrane.
- Extend the color to the end of the line of closure.
Illusively Color the Mucous Membranes
Always secure permission from the person in authority to:
- Extract the teeth.
- Make incisions on the internal surfaces of the alveolar processes to force the teeth inward.
Buck Teeth Treatment
Someone never able to close their lips while living may not appear ______ when them closed in death.
A short upper lip.
Cause of being unable to close lips
- Clean the teeth to be seen with household cleansing powder.
- Paint clear nail polish or liquid sealer to reproduce the salivary glisten of the teeth.
Treatment for Leaving the Teeth Exposed to View
Cream the lips inside and out with massage cream or petroleum jelly.
To minimize further separation by dehydration of the lips.
- Mouth Former
- Lip Cement
- Support for a receding lower lip
- Wet Cotton Slings
When lips can be closed with little or no tension
Placed beneath the lips.
Mouth Former
Placed behind the weather line.
Lip Cement
Will bring it forward to make contact with the upper lip.
Use a rolled cylinder of:
- Cotton
- Wax
- Mortuary Putty
Support for a receding lower lip
Two 3/4” strips of cotton placed on the lips to encircle the mucous membranes and hold them together.
Wet Cotton Slings
- Cut frenulums
- Mouth Former Serrations
- Sutures
For more difficult cases a more stringent method of closure may be necessary
The two cords which connect the inner surface of the lips with the gums.
- Cut the frenulums
- Cement
- Mouth former
- Then wire the mouth closed.
Cutting the Frenulums
The type with sharp tooth prongs may be used to hold the lips together.
- Smooth mouth formers: may be punctured with an ice pick or awl.
- Substitute: Metal house flashing
Mouth Former Serration
Use only as a final resort because of the distortion of the line of closure this technique causes.
- Clean the oral cavity
- Suture or wire the lower jaw in position.
- Teeth are slightly apart
- Lip contact is made without pressure.
Before Embalming- Support for the lips, when some of the teeth are missing.
Used for support for the lips.
Cotton Foundation
- Plug any gaps between the teeth with cotton.
- Prepare two pieces of peeled cotton that are as wide as the line of closure and just less than the height of both gums.
- Starting with one side place a piece of cotton against the rear teeth and lay it across to the midline.
- Repeat for the other side.
- Other flat pieces are added as necessary.
- Coat the underside of each lip with petroleum jelly.
Cotton Foundation Technique
- Emaciation
- Dehydration
Causes of Sunken Lips
Hypodermic tissue building.
Treatment for Sunken Lips
Reduce by:
- External Pressure
- Lancing or aspiration
- Surgical Reduction
- Electric Tissue Reducer (electric spatula)
- Pressure between the fingers.
Swollen Lips
Used to replace broken or damaged fingernails.
Artificial Nails
- Trim the nail before application
- Raise the cuticle to hide the base of the fingernail.
- Cuticle remover- will soften the skin and help prevent tearing.
- Brush cement on the real fingernail and under the artificial nail, when the cement clouds slip the nail under the cuticle and press firmly together until dry.
Applying Artificial Finger Nails
Depends on the habits of the individuals.
- May not have used this.
- Use brilliant colors
- Buffed nails and used clear polish.
Color of Fingernails
- Embalming
- Paint the surface with opaque cosmetics
Dicolored Fingernails
Use temporary sutures to cross the diseased area and anchor into sound tissues to make any corrections.
Nose Restoration- Distortion by Cancer
When the deceased has lain faced downward.
Distortion of the nose by superficial pressure
- Strong hairpins inserted into each nostril.
- Wooden splints
Recreation of Form - Distortion by superficial pressure on the nose
When the skin is undamanged:
- Bones may be forced back into position by use of an instrument inserted through the nostrils.
- To maintain this correction: pack with cotton.
Nose Restoration: Distortion by Fracture
- Embalming
- Decomposition
- Injury/Trauma
- Disease
Causes of Swelling
- Cold Water Compress
- Chemically Saturated Cotton Compress
- Bandages
- Water Bags- Eyes
- Metal Weights
- Sandbags
- Reducing Collars
Treatments for Swelling- External Pressure
May control or reduce many swellings during and/or after embalming.
External Pressure
May be done during and after embalming to reduce swollen tissues.
Lancing and Aspiration
The electric tissue reducer which has limited value.
Swelling Treatment- Application of Heat
Is effective on:
- Swollen Eyelids
- Small Swellings
Electric Spatula
Done because after using external pressure a slight puffiness may remain.
- Hypodermically inject the chemical
- Wait a minute then press the chemical out through the needle puncture
Injection of a constricting chemical
A post operative treatment done before the tissue becomes firm.
Surgical Reduction of Swelling
- External Pressure
- Lancing and aspiration
- Application of heat
- Injection of a constricting chemical
- surgical reduction
Treatments for Swelling