Hair Restorations Flashcards
- From the back of the deceased’s head.
- Camel hair brushes (Very short hair restoration).
- Department stores
- Wig makers
- Beauty shop suppliers
- Mortuary supply companies.
- Theatrical costumers or mortuary suppliers
Sources of Hair
Disadvantages of this source:
- Expensive
- Hair must be colored
Camel Hair Brushes
- Department stores
- Wig makers
- Beauty shop suppliers
- Mortuary supply companies
- Theatrical costumers or mortuary suppliers
For Large Restorations
Can get these from here:
- Artificial hair
- Kits- Bleached hair and dyes
Mortuary Supply Companies
This supplier has crepe hair.
Theatrical Costumers or Mortuary Suppliers
- Nylon- Wigs
- Wool- Crepe Hair
Artificial Hair
Comes in switches (tracks).
Nylon Hair
- Available in numerous colors
- Sold by the yard
- Is plaited and is practical only for persons with kinky hair.
- Requires preparation if used for straight hair persons.
Wool- Crepe Hair
This depends on:
- The length of the hair.
- The quantity
- The underlying surface
- The area involved (visible or hidden).
The Method of Affixing Hair
- Wax attachment
- Needle implantation
- Dipping in melted wax
- Cementing
- Suturing
Methods of Attaching Hair
Performed on a wax surface, it provides a natural appearing anchor for hair.
Wax attachment
- Suggested for short hair and hairline restoration.
- Wax color should resemble complexion color.
Wax Attachment Characteristics
Used cheifly for the restoration of stray or straggler hairs.
Needle Implantation (Embedding)
- Select 2 or 3 hairs.
- The midpoint of each hair is inserted in the “eye” and the remainder is held close to the shaft of the handle.
- Force the needle into the surface and slowly withdraw leaving the hairs implanted.
- A minute quantity of wax is applied on each puncture to keep it from turning dark from dehydration.
Needle Implantation (Embedding) Directions
Remove half of the “eye” of a sewing needle using a wooden dowel or pencil eraser for a handle.
Needle Implantation (Embedding) Instrument
Used when placing long strands on an otherwise bald head.
Dipping in Melted Wax
- Melt some flesh colored wax in a small receptacle.
- The extreme end of a narrow strand is dipped 1/4” into the wax and immediately placed in position.
Directions- Dipping in Melted Wax
Affords the strongest bond.
Is usually employed for application of:
- Long
- Dense
- More extensive applications
Use of Cementing
Suggested for all hair applications except:
- Marginal hair of the cranium
- Beard
When Not to Use Cementing
The reason for this is:
- It dries with a gloss which can be seen through the hairline.
- The line of attachment lies flat against the surface.
Why Not Use Cementing on Marginal Hair?
This kind of attachment has limited use because of appearance use only at areas that are not visible such as when a cap or scarf will cover the area.
The color of each hair fiber is:
Not Identical
Cranial and facial restorations may require the mixing of _____________ throughout the prime color.
- Example: When using dyed hair
Various Colored Hairs
If an exact match cannot be made, pick a ______ color rather than a _______ one.
Lighter Color Rather Than Darker
More easily lightened or darkened than a darker color using:
- Eyebrow pencil
- Hair crayon
- Mascara
- Hair-Dye
A Lighter Color
- Current availability makes this the simplest restoration.
- Commercial are better than theatrical which are made for a distance viewing.
Wigs or Toupees
Use when:
- Family cannot afford a wig.
- There is not enough time for a manual restoration.
Scarf or Bandage
- Attach switches of hair at proper locations.
- Cover the top of the head with a :
- Scarf for women
- Bandage for men
How to Use a Scarf or Bandage
The head covering will:
- Hide the points of attachment
- Allow pieces of hair to be exposed creating an impression of a full head of hair.
Purpose of The Scarf or Bandage Technique
When applying lengths of hair, do not ______.
Make the patches slightly ______ than needed and trim them later.
Hair patches vary in width up to about _____.
One Inch
Eyebrows and mustache restorations - require hairpatches less than ______ wide.
Three Eighths of an Inch
It is better to apply ___ _____ hair than not enough.
Too Much
Hairpatches are ________.
- Hairline- the edge of each hairpatch butts closely against the other.
- Mark the hairline on the head.
- Overlap each patch.
- Treatment for short hair (vertically)
- Treatment for long hair (Obliquely)
Restoration of Hair to The Sideburns and Temples