Present & Past Perfect Flashcards
She hasn’t washed her hair.
Ella no se ha lavado el pelo.
You have listened
Tú has escuchado
To open
To cover
To say, tell
To describe
To discover
To return (something)
To dissolve
To wrap, wrap up
To write
To fry
To make, do
To die
To oppose
To put, place
To provide, furnish
To rot, languish
To resolve
To break, break through/up
To see
To return
Where have you put the books
Donde has puesto los libros
Have you told her the truth?
Le has dicho la verdad?
The store has provided us with clothing
La tienda nos ha provisto de ropa.
She has broken another fingernail
Ella se ha roto otra uña.
I have had the money for more than twenty year
He tenido el dinero por más de veinte años
She has opened the window window and I have closed the door
Ella ha abierto la ventana y yo he cerrado la puerto
My neighbor’s dog has barked all night long, and I haven’t been able to sleep.
El perro de mi vecino ha ladrado toda la noche, y no he podido dormir.
Where have you put you suitcase
Donde has puesto tu maleta
How many times have you brushed your teeth today?
Cuantas veces te has cepillado los diente hoy?
For how many years have you known Charles?
Por cuantos años has conocido a Charles?
Have you been late every day this week?
Has llegado tarde cada día (todos los días) esta semana?
Have you all (formal) seen her?
La han visto (ustedes)?
The thieves have robbed our jewels and have broken all the windows?
Los ladrones han robado nuestras joyas y han roto todas las ventanas
Your manners have attracted me
Tus modales me han atraído
They have demonstrated their love for Beethoven’s music
Ellos han demostrado su amor por la música de Beethoven.
If she is as rich as you tell me, then why has she robbed the bank?
Si ella es tan rico como me dices, entonces, ¿por qué ha robado el banco?
The telephone has rung 20 times. Why haven’t you answered it?
El teléfono ha sonado veinte veces. ¿Por qué no lo has contestado?
She was born here, she was married here, and she buried six dogs and five cats in the back yard.
Nació aquí, se casó aquí y enterró (enterrar) seis perros y cinco gatos en el patio atrás.
She even has a kitchen sink in the corner of the attic.
Tiene hasta un fregadero de cocina en el rincón del desván
We hadn’t tried that method.
No habíamos probado ese método
I had eaten before calling you
Yo había comido antes de llamarte
We hadn’t listened to the CDs until Tuesday
No habíamos escuchado los CDs hasta el martes.
They hadn’t driven the car before buying it
Ellos no habían manejado el coche antes de comprarlo
Had you worn those shoes before the wedding?
¿Habías llevado esos zapatos antes de la boda?
How long had you smoked before quitting?
¿Por cuánto tiempo habías fumado antes de dejarlo?
She lived in St Louis before moving to St Paul.
Ella había vivido en St Louis antes de mudarse a St Paul.
We had dated for three years before getting married.
Habíamos salido por tres años antes de casarnos.
Before the party, I had cleaned the house from top to bottom.
Antes de la fiesta, yo había limpiado la casa de cabo a rabo.
He hadn’t washed his hair in three weeks.
Él no se había lavado el pelo durante tres semanas.
I had never enjoyed the theater as much as him.
Yo nunca había disfrutado del teatro tanto como él.
Before going to bed, did we turn off all the lights?
Antes de acostarnos, ¿habíamos apagado las luces?
We hadn’t solved the problems before the meeting.
No habíamos resuelto los problemas antes de la reunión
Had they provided you with enough information?
¿Te habían provisto de bastante información?
The food had rotted on the refrigerator.
La comida se había podrida en el refrigerador.
We had fried enough potatoes for an army.
Habíamos frito suficientes papas para un ejército.
What had you done to help them?
¿Que habías hecho para ayudarlos?
The dog didn’t discover the bones under the bed.
El perro no había descubierto los huesos debajo de la cama.
The books had fallen from the shelf.
Los libros se caído del estante.
Angelina was probably more famous for the vial of Thornton’s blood she wore around her neck during their marriage than for the Oscar she won in 1999 for her role in the movie Girl Interrupted.
Probablemente Angelina era más famosa por la ampolleta de la sangre de Thornton que llevaba alrededor de su cuello que por el Oscar que había ganado en 1999 por su papel en la película Girl Interrupted Inocencia Interrumpida.
Meanwhile, Mr. Pitt had married Jennifer Anniston, who had played the Role of Rachel Green on the television program Friends.
Entretanto, el señor Pitt se había casado con Jennifer Aniston, que había hecho el papel de Rachel Green en el programa de televisión Amigos.
Before marrying, Aniston had dated Adam Duritz (of the rock band Counting Crow).
Antes de casarse, Aniston había salido con Adam Duritz (del grupo de rock Counting Crows).
Before getting married in 2014, Pitt and Jolie had lived together for several years.
Antes de casarse en 2014, Pitt and Jolie habían vivido juntos por varios años.
No one know with certainty.
Nadie sabe con certeza.