3 Vocab & Verbs Flashcards
I want to see myself
Me quiero ver
Quiero verme (this is more common)
She brushes her teeth
Ella se cepilla los dientes
You wash your hair
Te lavas el pelo
To go to bed
Acostarse. O>ue
To shave oneself
To bath oneself
To marry (someone), to get married
Casarse (con alguien)
To brush oneself, brush one’s teeth, hair
To gobble up, eat hastily
To wake up
Despertarse (e>ie)
To undress oneself
Desvestirse (e>i)
To fall asleep
Dormirse (o…ue)
To take a shower
To get sick
To get angry, get mad
To go away (this just intensifies the action)
To wash oneself
To stand up, get up
To call oneself
To look at oneself
To pass away
Morirse (o…ue)
To comb ones hair
To become, get
I become happy when I receive a gift for my birthday
Me pongo feliz cuando recibo un regalo para mi cumpleaños
To put on clothing
Ponerse (la ropa)
To worry (about)
Preocuparse (por)
To try on (clothing)
Probarse ;o…ue)
To take of or remove (clothing)
To dry oneself
To sit down, to seat oneself
Sentarse (e…ie)
To feel (emotionally, physically)
Sentirse (e…ie)
To see oneself
To get dressed
Vestirse (e…i)
Before I go to bed, I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas.
Antes de acostarme, me quito la ropa y me pongo el pijama.
She shaves her legs
Ella se afeita las piernas
You all see yourselves in the mirror.
Uds se ven en el espejo.
I awake-with or without an alarm clock- at 5 in the morning.
Me despierto-con o sin despertador- a las cinco de la mañana.
To be boring
Like gustar
To be enough (to/for someone)
Like gustar
To be repugnant (to someone) to hate
To be painful (to someone) (to hurt, to ache)
Like gustar
Doler (o>ue)
To be enchanting (to someone) (to love)
To be lacking/ missing (to someone)
To be fascinating (to someone)
To be pleasing (to someone) (to like)
To be important (to someone)
To be interesting (to someone)
To be bothersome (to someone) (to bother)
To seem/appear (to someone)
To be left over or extra (to someone)
My stomach hurts
Me duele el estómago
I don’t like spiders
No me gustan las arañas
I have too many books
Me sobran los libros
She likes the fall
A ella le gusta el otoño
It seems ridiculous to me
Me parece ridículo
What is important to you?
¿Que te importa?
He seems egotistical to me
Me parece egoísta
To Gulliver the world seemed very small
A Gulliver el mundo le parece muy pequeño
Medicine cabinet
El botiquín
El secreto
I have a headache and it bothers me a lot
Me duele la cabeza y me molesta mucho
To be healthy
Estar sano
La salud
To substitute
They are sitting down
Ellos están sentándose
RID rule for two or more objects: Reflexive, Indirect, Direct
They are making them for me
Ellos están haciéndomelos
In fact
De hecho
The audience
La audiencia
In fact, almost everything in the supermarket disgusts me
De hecho, casi todas las cosas en el supermercado me disgustan.
El filete
Preterite ar verbs
e. amos
o. Aron
Er. And ir preterite
- I. Imos
- iste
- ió. ieron
Yesterday morning
Ayer por la mañana
Yesterday afternoon
Ayer por la tarde
Last Saturday
El sábado pasado
Last week
La semana pasada
Last month
El mes pasado
Last year
El año pasado
Two days ago
Hace dos días
A month ago
Hace un mes
The owner
El dueño
Watch out!
They are very cruel
Ellos son muy cruel
Two days ago I dusted and swept the floors.
Hace dos días, quité el polvo y barrí los suelos.
Quitar el polvo
All of a sudden, my fairy god mother appeared in the living room.
De repente, mi hada madrina apareció en la sala.
We danced until midnight, and I ran from the palace because my special night ended.
Bailamos hasta medianoche, y corrí del palacio porque mi noche especial se acabó
Acabarse to end
I lost on of my new shoes
Perdí uno de mis zapatos nuevos
I organized the party
Yo organicé la fiesta (organizar)
I took twenty photos of my cat
Saqué veinte fotos de me gato
I authorized the purchase
Yo autoricé la compra (autorizar)
I classified the information
Yo clasifiqué la informaciøn
I bumped into your house’s steps
Me tropecé con el peldaños de tu casa (tropezarse con)
I parked the car in the parking lot
Yo aparqué el carro en el estacionamiento
I swallowed the medicine without thinking
Tragué la medicina sine pensar
After that
Después de eso
Los trastos
To fit (with preterite irregular)
to caber:
Presente: quepo, cabes, cabe, cabemos, caben
Pretérito: cupe, cupiste, cupo, cupimos, cupieron
To have (auxiliary)
Present: He, has ha, hemos, han
Pretérito: hube, hubiste, hubo, hubimos, hubieron
To put, to place
Present: Pongo, pones, pone, ponemos, ponen
Pretérito: puse, pudiste, puso, pusimos,pusieron
to know, find out
Presente: se, sabes, sabe,…
Pretéterito: supe, supiste, supo, supimos, supieron
to make, to do
Presente: hago, haces, hace, …
Pretérito: hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicieron
to want
Pretérito: quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quisieron
To come
Pretérito: Vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, vinieron
When did you know the answer?
Cuando supiste la repuesta?
I put on my shoes
Me puse los zapatos
We were there for half an hour
Estuvimos allî (por) media hora
I fell asleep on the sidewalk
Me dormî en la acera
to attract
atraer: add prefix
Presente: traigo, traes, trae, traemos
pretérito: traje, trajiste, trajo, trajimos, trajeron
to distract
distraer: add prefix
Presente: traigo, traes, trae, traemos
pretérito: traje, trajiste, trajo, trajimos, trajeron
to bring back, dissuade
retraer: add prefix
Presente: traigo, traes, trae, traemos
pretérito: traje, trajiste, trajo, trajimos, trajeron
to remove, take away
sustraer: add prefix
Presente: traigo, traes, trae, traemos
pretérito: traje, trajiste, trajo, trajimos, trajeron
to say, tell (pretérito)
dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijeron
What did he say when you told him that you wrote the letter.
Que dijo el cuando le dijiste que escribiste la carta?
To give (pretérito)
Dar: di, diste, dimos, diste, dio, dimos, dieron
to see (pretérito)
ver: vi, viste, vio, vimos, vieron
She offered me the opportunity to go to the Caribbean for a week of sun and fun
Me ofreciø la oportunidad a ir al Caribe para una semana de søl y diversiøn
I took my bathing suit out of my suitcase and we went to the beach
Saqué mi traje de baño de la maleta y fuimos a la playa
The next day, we went to El Yunque, the rain forest, where we walked for hours and saw beautiful birds and trees.
Al dia siguiente, fuimos a El Yunque, la selva tropical, donde anduvimos por horas y vimos muchos påjaros y årboles hermosos.
to relax
-ir preterite stem change verbs irregular only in the third person singular and plural
o>oe shows o>u: dormir> durmiø & durmieron
e>ie shows e>i: advertir (to advise, warn), mentir, preferir, sentirse
e>i shows e>i: medir (to measure, to be long), pedir, repetir, seguir, servir
At that moment, she preferred to say nothing
En aquel momento, ella prefiriø no decir nada
The trees fell down during the storm
Los årboles se cayeron durante la tormenta
The branch fell from the tree
La rama se cayø del årbol
-ucir verbs: c changes to a j
Producir: produje, produjiste... conducir: to drive, lead deducir: to deduce, infer inducir: to induce, lead introducir: to introduce reducir: to reduce, cut down traducir
How far did you drive?
Hasta donde condujiste?
He wrote many essays on political and social issues, but his principal interest, I believe, was language
Excribiø muchos ensayos sobre la polîtica y las cuestiones sociales, pero, su interés principal, creo, fue el lenguaje.
One of his most famous books discussed the richness of the United States and how many other languages influenced this language
Uno de sus libros mås conocidos discutiø la riqueza de los Estado Unidos y cømo muchos otros idiomas influyeron en este idoma
He possessed a very strict personal ethic
El poseyø un credo personal muy estricto
I met John last week (Verbs that change meaning in the preterite)
Conocî Juan la semana pasada
She managed to find it (Verbs that change meaning in the preterite)
Ella pudo encontrarlo.
We couldn’t (failed to) find it. (Verbs that change meaning in the preterite)
No pudimos encontrarlo.
I tried to leave (Verbs that change meaning in the preterite)
Quise salir
He refused to east (Verbs that change meaning in the preterite)
Él no quiso comer
When did you find (it) out? OR When did you learn about it? (Verbs that change meaning in the preterite)
¿Cuando lo supiste? (saber)
I regretted calling her. OR I was sorry I called her. (Verbs that change meaning in the preterite)
Sentî llamarla (sentir: to regret or be sorry)
She had a baby yesterday. (Verbs that change meaning in the preterite)
Ella tuvo un bebé ayer. (to have at a certain time)
He failed to see my point of view
El no pudo ver mi punto de vista
They didn’t find (it) out until fifteen years ago
Ellos no lo supieron hast hace quince años
Why did you all refuse to leave?
Por que no quisieron salir?
I found out Jane forged my signature
Supe que Juana pudo falsificar mi firma