Imperfect Subjunctive Flashcards
The imperfect subjunctive is just like the present subjunctive, but it is in the past
I hoped that Ricardo had the book.
Esperaba que Ricardo tuviera el libro
Formation of the Imperfect Subjunctive
Drop the -ron from the 3rd person preterite, this is the base for all forms. Hablaron...habla- Comieron...comie- Abrieron....abrie- Tuvieron...tuvie-
Add either of these to the base:
- ra, ras, ra, ramos, rais, ran
- se, ses, se, semos, seis, sen
The es endings are more common
Hablara, hablaras, hablara, habláramos, hablarais, hablaron
Main clause in the past
I wanted John to buy the towels
Yo quería que Juan comprara las toallas
Main clause in the past
It was a pity that you had to work last Sunday
Fue una lástima que tuvieras que trabajar el domingo pasado
Main clause in the past
They weren’t sure that I could take care of myself
No estaban seguros que pudiera cuidarme
Main clause in the past
She prepared supper so that we wouldn’t die of hunger
Ella preparó la cena para que no nos muriéramos de hambre
Main clause in the past
She studied in case there was an test the next day
Ella estudió en caso de que hubiera un examen el día siguiente
Main clause in the past
He begged me not to order the lobster
Él me rogó que yo no pidiera la langosta
Main clause in the past
We didn’t think anyone heard us
No pensamos (creímos) que nadie nos oyera.
Main clause in the past
Was anybody there who knew all the state capitals?
¿Había alguien allí que supiera todas las capitales de los estados?
Querer in preterite
Quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quisieron,
Hacer in preterite
Hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicieron,
Poder in preterite
Pude, pudiste, pudo, pudimos, pudieron,
She hopes that I didn’t spend all the money
Ella espera que yo no gastara todo el dinero
I’m happy that he studied
Estoy contento que él estudiara
They don’t believe that I made these cookies
Ellos no creen que yo hiciera estas galletas
I’m sorry that you were sick and couldn’t make it to our party
Main clause in present, sub in past
Siento que estuvieras enfermo y que no pudieras venir a nuestra fiesta
It doesn’t seem that them aid cleaned the house this morning
Main clause in present, sub in past
No parece que la sirvienta limpiara la casa esta mañana
He behaves as if he were three years old
Main clause in present, sub in past
Él se porta como si tuviera tres años
It may be that she didn’t want to take our picture
Main clause in present, sub in past
Puede ser que ella no quisiera sacar nuestra foto
It’s a miracle that the airline didn’t lose your luggage
Main clause in present, sub in past
Es un milagro que la aerolínea no perdiera tu equipaje
Hypothetical if-clauses in the past
1-often linked with the conditional indicative. “If I were taller, I would play basketball”
2-Only hypotheticals in the past are in the subjunctive
“Si yo fuera” más alto, jugaría al basquetbol
Recibías buenas notas “si estudiaras”
If you knew the answer, would you tell us?
¿Si supieras la repuesta, nos la dirías.
If giraffes didn’t have long necks, they couldn’t eat leaves.
Si las jirafas no tuvieran los cuellos largos, no podrían comer las hojas.
If it weren’t for gravity, we would float like bubbles.
Si no fuera por la gravedad, flotaríamos como burbujas.
The bears wouldn’t eat your food if you hung it from a tree.
Los osos no comerían tu comida si la colgaras de un árbol.
If it weren’t raining, we could take a walk in the park.
Si no lloviera, podríamos dar un paseo por el parque
“As if” and A”As though” clauses
A subordinate clause that begins with “Como si” is in the imperfect subjunctive
Te ves como si fueras culpable. You look as if you’re guilty.
Hablaban como si supieran todo. They were talking as if they knew everything.
Él se puso el sombrero como si fuera el rey. He put on the hat as though he were the king.
He spends money as if there were no tomorrow
Él gasta dinero como si no hubiera mañana
He looks as if he lost his best friend.
Él se ve como si perdiera a su amigo mejor
The critic looked as though he liked the play.
El crítico se ve como si le gustara la drama.
You sing as though you swallowed a bird
Cantas como si tragaras un pájaro (ave).
He felt as if he already knew her.
Él se sintió como si ya la conociera.
He spoke to me as though I didn’t have a brain
Él me habló como si yo no tuviera cerebro.
Querer- use imperfect subjunctive to be polite and to not sound pushy
I would like a cold lemonade, please
Yo quisiera una limonada fría, por favor.
Querer- use imperfect subjunctive to be polite and to not sound pushy
What would you like to do tonight?
Que quisieras hacer esta noche?
Querer- use imperfect subjunctive to be polite and to not sound pushy
We would like a room with a view of the river.
Quisiéramos una habitación con una vista al río.
Querer- use imperfect subjunctive to be polite and to not sound pushy
Where would you all like to eat tomorrow?
Donde quisieran cenar mañana por la noche?
Poder- use it in the imperfect subjunctive plus the following verb in the conditional to be polite. Begin with “Si”
Could you mail these letter for me?
Si pudieras, echarías al correo estas cartas para me?
Poder- use it in the imperfect subjunctive plus the following verb in the conditional to be polite. Begin with “Si”
Would you do me a favor?
Si pudieras, me harías un favor?
Poder- use it in the imperfect subjunctive plus the following verb in the conditional to be polite. Begin with “Si”
Could you move a little to the right?
Si pudieras, te moverías un poco a la derecha?
Poder- use it in the imperfect subjunctive plus the following verb in the conditional to be polite. Begin with “Si”
Could you be quiet please?
Si pudieras, te callarías, por favor?
Poder- use it in the imperfect subjunctive plus the following verb in the conditional to be polite. Begin with “Si”
Could you (formal) make me a cup of coffee?
Si pudiera, me prepararía una taza de café?
I wish that more people would ride a bike instead of driving all the time
Yo quisiera que más personas montarán en bicicleta en vez de conducir todo el tiempo.
Querer meaning to wish
If there is no change in subject after the conjugated form of querer, then follow it with the infinitive
I wish I made more money
Yo quisiera ganar más dinero
Querer meaning to wish
If there is a change of subject between the conjugated querer, it is followed by “que” and the imperfect subjunctive of the second verb
I wished that you were here
Yo quisiera que estuvieras aquí
I wish that you didn’t have to hear this.
Yo quisiera que no tuvieras que oír esto.
Children always wish that they were were older and adults, younger
Los niños siempre quisieran ser mayores y los adultos menores
I wish that I spoke Spanish fluently
Yo quisiera hablar español con soltura (skill, with ease)
He wishes that he could drive
Él quisiera poder manejar.
He wishes he could see through walls
Él quisiera poder ver a través de las paredes
We wish they would go home
Quisiéramos que se fueran a casa