Pregnancy and development Flashcards
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Conception through day 16 is called what?
Fertilization and the pre-embryonic stage
What are the four stages of fertilization and pre-embryonic development?
Fertilization (conception)
Uniting of egg and sperm to form a zygote?
Fertilization (conception)
This Usually takes place in the uterine tube?
When acrosomal enzymes from hundreds of sperm may be needed to clear a path to Zona pellucida?
And one sperm digests its way through the zona pellucida then the head and mid piece enter the egg? This is called
Acrosomal reaction
When cortical granules release secretions which form the fertilization membrane and block polyspermy, this is called?
Cortical reaction
When chromosomal division of the egg is completed this is called?
Meiosis II
Next the haploid set of egg and sperm chromosomes mix into a?
Diploid set
Cell divisions that occurs the first three days are called?
When does the first cleavage occur?
About 30 hours after fertilization
What are the stages of cleavage?
Cell divisions
Subdivisions from 2 to 4 to 8 etc. cells (blastomeres) is what stage of cleavage?
First stage
Ball of 16+ cells that arrives in the uterus 72 hours after fertilization, what stage is this of cleavage?
Morula, which is second stage of cleavage
Hollow ball of cells formed by day six Is called blastocyst (100 cells), What stage of cleavage is this?
The third stage
The inner cell mass of the blastocyst that becomes the embryo is called?
The embryoblast
The outer layer of the blastocyst which is made of squamous cells that becomes part of the placenta is called?
Blastocyst attaches to the endometrium, this is called?
What are the three steps of implantation?
Trophoblast grows into the endometrium And digests it
The endometrium grows over the blastocyst so it is buried in the endometrium
The trophoblast secretes human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG which stimulates the corpus luteum to secrete estrogen and progesterone.
The last phase of fertilization and pre-embryonic development is the arrangement of blastomeres into layers, this is called?
The layer that will become the inner lining of the digestive tract, etc. is called?